

Associate Professor

School of Chemical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering, Building D, 1st floor, Office room 123 (map)

2310 996268


Short CV Presentation

My research interests focus on transport phenomena, fluid mechanics, and applied mathematics, with particular emphasis on understanding the fundamental mechanisms underlying interfacial and multiphase flows. These investigations are motivated by a wide array of technological and biological applications, including evaporative cooling, surfactant-replacement therapy, crude oil, polymer and food processing, coating flow technology, microfluidics, and nanotechnology.

I explore the fascinating phenomena arising in liquid motion using advanced theoretical models. Solving these models typically involves a combination of analytical tools, such as asymptotics and perturbation theory, along with the development of efficient computational methods.

Curriculum vitae

1996 - 2002

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

School of Chemical Engineering

Diploma in Chemical Engineering

2002 - 2004

University of Patras

School of Chemical Engineering

MSc in Process Simulation, Optimization, and Control

2002 - 2008

University of Patras

School of Chemical Engineering

Ph.D. in Computational Fluid Dynamics

Professional Experience
2023 - 2025

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Chemical Engineering

Associate Professor

2018 - 2023

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Chemical Engineering

Assistant Professor

2015 - 2018

University of Patras, School of Chemical Engineering

Post‑doctoral researcher

2015 - 2015

National Technical University of Athens, School of Chemical Engineering

Post‑doctoral researcher

2012 - 2015

University of Thessaly, School of Mechanical Engineering

Post‑doctoral researcher

2009 - 2011

Imperial College London, School of Chemical Engineering

Post‑doctoral researcher

2021 - 2025

Unit Operations I (Undergraduate)

2019 - 2025

Unit Operations II (Undergraduate)

2018 - 2023

Transport Phenomena (Postgraduate)

2018 - 2024

Numerical Methods for Engineers (Undergraduate)

2020 - 2021

Chemical Engineering Laboratory I (Undergraduate)

2019 - 2025

Practical Training – Energy, Environment (Undergraduate)

2019 - 2017

Introduction to Computing (Undergraduate)

2020 - 2020

Chemical Product and Plant Design Project I (Undergraduate)

2021 - 2021

Chemical Product and Plant Design Project II (Undergraduate)

Research Interests
Momentum, heat and mass transfer applied to engineering and physics applications Interfacial and multiphase flows, phase change and effect of surfactants Thin films, complex rheology, flows induced by electric and magnetic fields Analytical methods for solving partial differential equations, perturbation methods Dynamical systems and stability analysis based on bifurcation theory Numerical methods for solving basic and applied problems (finite elements, finite differences, finite volumes, etc.), solution of large scale problems, iterative techniques and preconditioning, eigenvalues and eigenvector calculations of large systems.

Peer-reviewed Journal Publications

  1. A. Malachtari and G. Karapetsas “Dynamics and interaction of multiple evaporating droplets on compliant substrates” J. Fluid Mech. 978 (2024) A8 ( pdf
  2. Z. Wang, G. Karapetsas, P. Valluri, C. Inoue, ”Flow Structure near Three Phase Contact Line of Low‑Contact‑Angle Evaporating Droplets” Appl. Phys. Lett. 124 (2024) 101603 ( pdf
  3. D. Pettas, G. Karapetsas, A. Syrakos, Y. Dimakopoulos and J. Tsamopoulos, ”Flow of Viscoelastic Films over Grooved Surfaces with Partial Wetting” J. Fluid Mech. 1000 (2024) A10 ( pdf
  4. Z. Wang, G. Karapetsas, P. Valluri, C. Inoue, ”Role of volatility and thermal properties in droplet spreading: a generalisation to Tanner’s law” J. Fluid Mech. 987 (2024) A15 ( pdf
  5. C. M. Linares, Y. Psarellis, G. Karapetsas, E.D. Koronaki and I.G. Kevrekidis “Physics-agnostic and Physics-infused machine learning for thin films flows: modeling, and predictions from small data” J. Fluid Mech. 975 (2023) A41 ( pdf
  6. S. Kavuri, G. Karapetsas, C. S. Sharma, K. C. Sahu, “Freezing of sessile droplet and frost halo formation” Phys. Rev. Fluids 8 (2023) 124003 ( pdf
  7. C. Dritselis and G. Karapetsas “Open-source finite volume solvers for multiphase (n-phase) flows involving either Newtonian or non-Newtonian complex fluid” Computers and Fluids 245 (2022) 105590 ( pdf
  8. D. Pettas, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos and Tsamopoulos “Stability analysis of a Newtonian film flow over hydrophobic micro-textured substrates” Phys. Rev. Fluids 7 (2022) 034004 ( pdf
  9. A. Marousis, D. Pettas, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos and Tsamopoulos “Stability analysis of viscoelastic film flows over an inclined substrate with rectangular trenches” J. Fluid Mechanics 915 (2021) A98 ( pdf
  10. Z. Wang, G. Karapetsas, P. Valluri, K. Sefiane, A. Williams, Y. Takata “Dynamics of hygroscopic aqueous solution droplets undergoing evaporation or vapor absorption” J. Fluid Mechanics 912 (2021) A2 ( pdf
  11. A. G. L. Williams, G. Karapetsas, D. Mamalis, K. Sefiane, O. K. Matar and P. Valluri “Spreading and retraction dynamics of sessile evaporating droplets comprising volatile binary mixtures” J. Fluid Mechanics 907 (2020) A22 ( pdf
  12. R. Nazareth, G. Karapetsas, K. Sefiane, O. K. Matar and P. Valluri “Stability of slowly evaporating thin liquid films of binary mixtures” Phys. Rev. Fluids 5 (2020) 104007 ( pdf
  13. D. Pettas, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos and J. Tsamopoulos “Viscoelastic film flows over an inclined substrate with sinusoidal topography. I. Steady state” Phys. Rev. Fluids 4 (2019) 083303 ( pdf
  14. D. Pettas, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos and J. Tsamopoulos “Viscoelastic film flows over an inclined substrate with sinusoidal topography. II. Linear stability analysis” Phys. Rev. Fluids 4 (2019) 083304 ( pdf
  15. G. Karapetsas, D. Photeinos, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos, “Dynamics and motion of a gas bubble in a viscoplastic medium under acoustic excitation” J. Fluid Mechanics 865 (2019) 381-413 ( pdf
  16. M. Balla, M. K. Tripathi, K. C. Sahu, G. Karapetsas, O. K. Matar, “Non-isothermal bubble risecdynamics in a self-rewetting fluid: three-dimensional effects” J. Fluid Mechanics 858 (2019) 689-713 ( pdf
  17. N. T. Chamakos, G. Karapetsas, A. G. Papathanasiou, “Effect of substrate topography, material wettability and dielectric thickness on reversible electrowetting” Colloids and Surfaces A, 555 (2018) 595-604 ( pdf
  18. G. Karapetsas, N. T. Chamakos, A. G. Papathanasiou, “Thermocapillary droplet actuation: Effect of solid structure and wettability” Langmuir, 33 (2017)10838-10850 ( pdf
  19. D. Pettas, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos, “On the degree of wetting of a slit by a liquid film flowing along an inclined plane” J. Fluid Mechanics, 820 (2017) 5-41 ( pdf
  20. G. Karapetsas, N. K. Lampropoulos, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos, “Transient flow of gravity-driven viscous films over 3d patterned substrates: conditions leading to wenzel, cassie and intermediate states” Microfluidics & Nanofluidics, (2017) 21:17( pdf
  21. N. T. Chamakos, G. Karapetsas, A. G. Papathanasiou “How asymmetric surfaces induce directional droplet motion” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects, 511 (2016) 180–189( pdf
  22. G. Karapetsas, K. C. Sahu, O. K. Matar, “Evaporation of sessile droplets laden with particles and insoluble surfactants”, Langmuir, 32 (2016) 6871–6881 ( pdf
  23. M. Pavlidis, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos, “Steady viscoelastic film flow over 2d topography: II. The effect of capillarity, inertia and substrate geometry”, J. Non-Newt. Fluid Mech., 234 (2016) 201–214 ( pdf
  24. G. Karapetsas, N. T. Chamakos, A. G. Papathanasiou, “Efficient modelling of droplet dynamics on complex surfaces” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 28 (2016) 085101 ( pdf
  25. D. Pettas, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos, “On the origin of extrusion instabilities: linear stability analysis of the viscoelastic die swell” J. Non-Newt.Fluid Mech. 224 (2015) 61-77 ( pdf
  26. G. Karapetsas, V. Bontozoglou “Non-linear dynamics of a viscoelastic film subjected to a spatially periodic electric field” J. Non-Newt.Fluid Mech.  217 (2015) 1–13 ( pdf
  27. M. K. Tripathi, K. C. Sahu, G. Karapetsas and O. K. Matar, “Bubble rise dynamics in a viscoplastic material” J. Non-Newt.Fluid Mech.  222 (2015) 217–226  ( pdf
  28. M. K. Tripathi, K. C. Sahu, G. Karapetsas, K. Sefiane and O. K. Matar, “Non-isothermal bubble rise: non-monotonic dependence of surface tension on temperature” J. Fluid Mech. 763 (2015) 82- 108 ( pdf
  29. G. Karapetsas, K. C. Sahu, K. Sefiane and O. K. Matar, “Thermocapillary-driven motion of a sessile drop: effect of non-monotonic dependence of surface tension on temperature” Langmuir 30 (2014) 4310–4321 ( pdf
  30. G. Karapetsas and V. Bontozoglou, “The role of surfactants on the mechanism of the long-wave instability in liquid film flows”, J. Fluid Mech. 741 (2014) 139-155 ( pdf
  31. P. Saenz, P. Valluri, K. Sefiane, G. Karapetsas and O. K. Matar “On phase change in Marangoni-driven flows and its effects on the hydrothermal-wave instabilities”, Phys. Fluids 26 (2014) 024114 ( pdf
  32. P.A.P. Swain, G. Karapetsas, O. K. Matar and K. C. Sahu, “Pressure-driven displacement of a viscoplastic material by a Newtonian fluid” Eur. J. of Mech.- B Fluids 49 (2015) 197–207 ( pdf
  33. G. Karapetsas and J. Tsamopoulos, “On the stick-slip flow from slit and cylindrical dies of a Phan-Thien and Tanner fluid model. II. Linear stability analysis”, Phys. Fluids 25 (2013) 093105 ( pdf
  34. P. Saenz, P. Valluri, K. Sefiane, G. Karapetsas and O. K. Matar “Linear stability and numerical simulations of hydrothermal waves in planar liquid layers driven by thermocapillarity”, Phys. Fluids 25 (2013) 094101 ( pdf
  35. G. Karapetsas and V. Bontozoglou , “The primary instability of falling films in the presence of soluble surfactants”, J. Fluid Mech. 729 (2013) 123-150 ( pdf
  36. G. Karapetsas, K. C. Sahu and O. K. Matar “Effect of contact line dynamics on the thermocapillary motion of a droplet on an inclined plate.”, Langmuir 29 (2013) 8892-8906 ( pdf
  37. G. Karapetsas and E. Mitsoulis, “Some experiences with the slip boundary condition in viscous and viscoelastic Flows”, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 198 (2013) 96-108 ( pdf
  38. Y. Dimakopoulos, G. Karapetsas, N. A. Malamataris and E. Mitsoulis, “The Free (Open) Boundary Condition at Inflow Boundaries”, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. (2012) ( pdf
  39. G. Karapetsas, O. K. Matar, P. Valluri and K. Sefiane, “Convective rolls and hydrothermal waves in evaporating sessile drops”, Langmuir 28 (2012) 11433−11439 ( pdf
  40. G. Karapetsas, R. V. Craster and O. K. Matar, “Surfactant-driven dynamics of liquid lenses”, Phys. Fluids 23 (2011) 122106 ( pdf
  41. G. Karapetsas, R. V. Craster and O. K. Matar, “On surfactant enhanced spreading and superspreading of liquid drops on solid surfaces”, J. Fluid Mech. 670 (2011) 5-37 ( pdf
  42. G. Karapetsas and J. Tsamopoulos, “On the stick-slip flow from slit and cylindrical dies of a Phan-Thien and Tanner fluid model. I. Steady state”, Phys. Fluids 21 (2009) 123101-18 ( pdf
  43. J. Papaioannou, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos, “Injection of a viscoplastic material inside a tube or between two parallel disks: Conditions for wall detachment of the advancing front”, J. Rheol 53 (2009) 1155-1191 ( pdf
  44. G. Karapetsas and J. Tsamopoulos, “Steady extrusion of viscoelastic materials from an annular die”, J. Non-Newt. Fluid Mech., 154 (2008) 136-152 ( pdf
  45. J. Tsamopoulos, Y. Dimakopoulos, N. Chatzidai, G. Karapetsas, M. Pavlidis, “Steady bubble rise and deformation in Newtonian and viscoplastic fluids and conditions for their entrapment”, J. Fluid Mech. 601 (2008) 123-164 ( pdf
  46. G. Karapetsas and J. Tsamopoulos, “Transient squeeze flow of viscoplastic materials”, J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 133 (2006) 35–56 ( pdf

Invited lectures at Universities and Conferences

  1. Keynote Lecture, 10th International Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics Symposium, Edinburgh, June 2024, “Unravelling the complex dynamics of wetting and phase change”
  2. University of Edinburgh, School of Engineering, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, May 2016, “Droplet interaction with structured substrates”
  3. University of Patras, Department of Chemical Engineering, Rio, Greece, September 2013, “Interfacial flows, contact lines, evaporation and the Marangoni effect”
  4. 7th International Conference Material Technologies and Modeling, Ariel, ISRAEL, August 2012, “Surfactant-assisted superspreading of liquid drops on dry substrates”
  5. Imperial College London, Department of Mathematics, London, UK, February 2011, “Dynamics of droplets on solid and liquid substrates”

Conference presentations

  1. S. Kavuri, G. Karapetsas, C. S. Sharma, K. C. Sahu, ”Evaporation‑driven coalescence of two droplets undergoing freezing”, 77th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2024, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
  2. D. Debnath, A. Malachtari, G. Karapetsas, D. Orejon, K. Sefiane, A. Amirfazli, P. Valluri, ”Evaporation‑induced translation of Multiple Binary Droplets”, 77th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2024, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA
  3. A. Malachtari, I. Tsakelidis, G. Karapetsas,”Dynamics of drying particle‑laden droplets on soft viscoelastic substrates”, 1st European Fluid Dynamics Conference, September 2024, Aachen, Germany
  4. P. Angelopoulos, C. Dritselis, G. Karapetsas,”Spreading of a droplet on a elastoviscoplastic substrate”, 14th Panhellenic Chemical Engineering Conference, May 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece
  5. A. Malachtari, I. Tsakelidis, G. Karapetsas,”Evaporation of a sessile droplet laden with particles on a soft viscoelastic substrate”, 14th Panhellenic Chemical Engineering Conference, May 2024, Thessaloniki, Greece
  6. A. Malachtari, I. Tsakelidis, G. Karapetsas,”Dynamics of clean and particle‑laden drying droplets on soft viscoelastic substrates”, 76th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2023, Washington DC, USA
  7. S. Kavuri, G. Karapetsas, C. S. Sharma, K. C. Sahu, ”On the dynamics of freezing sessile droplets: Frost haloformation”, 76th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2023, Washington DC, USA
  8. K. Thomson, G. Karapetsas, Y. Kita, K. Sefiane, D. Orejon, P. Valluri, ”Transient growth stability analysis of evaporating sessile drops comprising binary mixtures”, 76th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2023, Washington DC, USA
  9. D. Debnath, A. Malachtari, G. Karapetsas, K. Sefiane, D. Orejon, A. Amirfazli, P. Valluri, ”Evaporating populations of sessile droplets comprising binary mixtures”, 76th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2023, Washington DC, USA
  10. Z. Wang, G. Karapetsas, P. Valluri, I. Chihiro, ”Intricate Role of Thermal Properties and Volatility in Droplet Spreading: A Generalization to Tanner’s Law”, 76th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2023, Washington DC, USA
  11. A. Malachtari, G. Karapetsas, ”Evaporation of Multiple Droplets on a Soft Viscoelastic Substrate”, 11th International Conference on Boiling and Condensation Heat Transfer, May 2023, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
  12. K. Thomson, G. Karapetsas, O. K. Matar, Y. Kita, K. Sefiane, D. Orejon, P. Valluri, ”Transient growth analysis of evaporating sessile drops comprising binary mixtures”, 17th International Heat Transfer Conference, August
    2023, Cape Town, South Africa
  13. C. M. Linares, E.D. Koronaki , Y. Psarellis, G. Karapetsas, I.G. Kevrekidis, “A machine learning approach to bridge the gap between the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky and the Navier-Stokes equations for thin film flow”, 2022 AIChE Annual Meeting, November 2022, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
  14. Z. Wang, G. Karapetsas, P. Valluri, I. Chihiro, “Quantifying the interacting mechanisms in shape evolution of sessile volatile droplets”, 75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2022, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
  15. K. Thomson, A. G. Williams, G. Karapetsas, O. K. Matar, Y. Kita, K. Sefiane, D. Orejon, P. Valluri, “Transient growth stability analysis of evaporating sessile drops comprising binary mixtures”, 75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2022, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
  16. C. M. Linares, E.D. Koronaki , Y. Psarellis, G. Karapetsas, I.G. Kevrekidis, “From Navier-Stokes simulations for thin films to amplitude equations and back via physics-assisted machine-learning”, 75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2022, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
  17. A. Prasinou, M. Pavlidis, \G. Karapetsas, “Dynamics of droplet spreading on weakly viscoelastic liquid films”, 14th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, September 2022, Athens, Greece
  18. A. Malachtari, G. Karapetsas, “Spreading dynamics of evaporating droplets on compliant substrates”, 14th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, September 2022, Athens, Greece
  19. C. M. Linares, E.D. Koronaki , Y. Psarellis, G. Karapetsas, I.G. Kevrekidis, “A machine learning approach to bridge the gap between the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky and the Navier-Stokes equations for thin film flow”, 14th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, September 2022, Athens, Greece
  20. C. Dritselis, G. Karapetsas, “Dynamics of liquid lens spreading over a viscoplastic liquid substrate”, 10th Hellenic Society of Rheology, June 2022, Skiathos, Greece
  21. A. Chatzis-Mpakratsas, T. Vadarlis, S. Yiantsios, G. Karapetsas, “Linear stability analysis and dynamics of a drying viscoelastic polymer solution”, 13th Panhellenic Conference in Chemical Engineering, May 2022, Patras, Greece
  22. A. Malachtari, G. Karapetsas, “Spreading dynamics of evaporating droplets on compliant substrates”, 13th Panhellenic Conference in Chemical Engineering, May 2022, Patras, Greece
  23. K. Thomson, A. Williams, G. Karapetsas, O. Matar, Y. Kita, K. Sefiane, P. Valluri, “Stability of evaporating sessile drops comprising binary mixtures”, 17th UK Heat Transfer Conference, April 2022, Manchester, United Kingdom
  24. C. Dritselis, G. Karapetsas, “Open-source finite volume solvers for the simulation of multiphase (n-phase) Newtonian/non-Newtonian fluid flows”, 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2021, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
  25. G. Karapetsas, G.-A. Ioannidis, “On the spreading of liquid lenses over rheologically complex liquid films”, 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2021, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
  26. K. Thomson, G. Karapetsas, O. Matar, P. Valluri, A. Williams, K. Sefiane, “Transient growth stability analysis of evaporating sessile drops comprising binary mixtures”, 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2021, Phoenix, Arizona, USA
  27. K. Thomson, A. Williams, G. Karapetsas, O. Matar, Y. Kita, K. Sefiane, P. Valluri, “Stability of evaporating drops comprising binary mixtures”,5th International Conference on Droplets, August 2021, Darmstadt (Virtual), Germany
  28. C. Dritselis, G. Karapetsas, “A numerical study of a droplet spreading between Newtonian and viscoplastic stratified fluids” Droplets 2021, August 2021, Darmstadt (Virtual), Germany
  29. G.-A. Ioannidis, O. K. Matar, G. Karapetsas, “Droplet spreading over a non-Newtonian liquid film” 73rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2020, Chicago (Virtual), USA
  30. C. Dritselis, G. Karapetsas, “Numerical study of non-linear dynamics of liquid lenses spreading over a viscoplastic liquid layer” 73rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2020, Chicago (Virtual), USA
  31. A. Hatzis-Mpakratsas, G. Karapetsas, “Dynamics of a drying viscoelastic polymer solution” 73rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2020, Chicago (Virtual), USA
  32. K. Thomson, A. Williams, G. Karapetsas, O. K. Matar, K. Sefiane, P. Valluri, “Stability of evaporating sessile drops comprising binary mixtures” 73rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2020, Chicago (Virtual), USA
  33. Z. Wang, G. Karapetsas, P. Valluri, K. Sefiane, Y. Takata, “Spreading of hygroscopic ionic solution droplets during vapor absorption” 73rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2020, Chicago (Virtual), USA
  34. G. Karapetsas, A. Vadarlis, “Effect of viscoelasticity on the stability characteristics of a drying polymer solution” 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2019, Seattle, USA
  35. D. Pettas, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos, “Flow stability of a liquid film partially wetting a substrate with rectangular trenches” 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2019, Seattle, USA
  36. R. Nazareth, G. Karapetsas, P. Saenz, O. Matar, K. Sefiane, P. Valluri, “The stability of evaporating binary liquid film heated from below” 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2019, Seattle, USA
  37. Z. Wang, G. Karapetsas, P. Valluri, A. Williams, K. Sefiane, Y. Takata, “Lubrication model for vapor absorption into hygroscopic liquid desiccant droplets” 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2019, Seattle, USA
  38. A. Williams, G. Karapetsas, P. Saenz, O. Matar, K. Sefiane, P. Valluri, “Stability of evaporating sessile drops comprising binary mixtures” 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2019, Seattle, USA
  39. D. Pettas, G. Karapetsas, J. Tsamopoulos, “Stability of a viscoelastic film flowing over a substrate with sinusoidal corrugations” 12th Panhellenic scientific conference in Chemical Engineering, Athens, May 2019
  40. G. Karapetsas, J. Tsamopoulos, D. Pettas, “Stability of film flow over a substrate with rectangular trenches forming air inclusions” 12th Panhellenic scientific conference in Chemical Engineering, Athens, May 2019
  41. G. Karapetsas, A. Williams, P. Saenz, O. Matar, K. Sefiane, P. Valluri, “Evaporation of binary sessile drops” 12th Panhellenic scientific conference in Chemical Engineering, Athens, May 2019
  42. Z. Wang, G. Karapetsas, P. Valluri, A. Williams, K. Sefiane and Y. Takata, “Lubrication model for vapor absorption into hygroscopic liquid desiccant droplets” 16th UK Heat Transfer Conference, September 2019, Nottingham, UK
  43. A. Williams, P. Saenz, G. Karapetsas, K. Sefiane, O. K. Matar, P. Valluri, “Evaporation of binary mixtures: pools and droplets” 16th International Heat Transfer Conference, August 2018, Beijing, China
  44. M. K. Tripathi, M. Balla, K. C. Sahu, G. Karapetsas, O. K. Matar, “Non-isothermal bubble rise dynamics in a self-rewetting fluid at high Marangoni numbers” 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2018, Atlanta, USA
  45. R. Nazareth, G. Karapetsas, S. Harish, D. Orejon, K. Sefiane, P. Valluri, “The stability of evaporating binary liquid film heated from below” 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2018, Atlanta, USA
  46. G. Karapetsas, D. Photeinos, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos, “Use of acoustic excitation to enhance the mobility of buoyancy driven bubbles inside a viscoplastic material” 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2018, Atlanta, USA
  47. A. Williams, G. Karapetsas, P. Saenz, O. K. Matar, K. Sefiane, P. Valluri, “Spreading and evaporation of sessile drops comprising binary mixture” 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2018, Atlanta, USA
  48. D. Pettas, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos, “Linear stability of viscoelastic film flow over structured surfaces” 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2018, Atlanta, USA
  49. G. Karapetsas, D. Photeinos, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos, “Acoustic excitation of a bubble inside a viscoplastic medium” 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, September 2018, Vienna,Austria
  50. D. Pettas, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos, “Stability analysis of viscoelastic fluid over a structured topography” 12th European Fluid Mechanics Conference, September 2018, Vienna, Austria
  51. N. T. Chamakos, G. Karapetsas, A. G. Papathanasiou, “Mechanisms of wetting transitions of electrowetting on patterned surfaces: effect of surface topography, material wettability and dielectric thickness on reversibility” Electrowetting conference – 11th International conference, June 2018, Twente, Netherlands
  52. G. Karapetsas, N. T. Chamakos, A. G. Papathanasiou, “Thermocapillary droplet actuation on structured solid surfaces” 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2017, Denver, USA
  53. Y. Dimakopoulos, D. Pettas, G. Karapetsas, J. Tsamopoulos, “Linear Stability analysis of a Newtonian film flowing over a substrate with topographical features” 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2017, Denver, USA
  54. A. Williams, P. Saenz, G. Karapetsas, O. K. Matar, K. Sefiane, P. Valluri, “Lubrication model for evaporation of binary sessile drops” 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2017, Denver, USA
  55. M. Tripathi, A. Premlata, K. C. Sahu, G. Karapetsas, O. K. Matar, “Non-isothermal bubble rise dynamics in a self-rewetting fluid”, 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2017, Denver, USA
  56. G. Karapetsas, N. Lampropoulos, Y. Dimakopoulos, J. Tsamopoulos, “Transient coating of substrates with variable topography by  viscous films: 3D simulations” 11th Panhellenic scientific conference in Chemical Engineering, Thessaloniki, May 2017
  57. A. Georgantaki, G. Karapetsas, M. Vlachogiannis and V. Bontozoglou, “Liquid film flow with soluble surfactants: Theory and experiment”, International Conference on Multiphase Flow, May 2016, Firenze, Italy
  58. N. Chamakos, G. Karapetsas and A. G. Papathanasiou, “Modelling of droplet mobility on bio-inspired asymetrically structured substrates”, Smart and Green Interfaces Conference, May 2016, Athens, Greece
  59. G. Karapetsas, K. C. Sahu and O. K. Matar, “Dynamics of surfactant-laden evaporating droplets”, 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2015, Boston, USA
  60. D. Mamalis, K. Sefiane, K. C. Sahu, G. Karapetsas and O. K. Matar, “Non-isothermal spreading dynamics of self-rewetting droplets”, 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2015, Boston, USA
  61. A. Premlata, M. Tripathi, K. C. Sahu, G. Karapetsas, K. Sefiane, O. K. Matar, “Threedimensional simulations of a rising bubble in a self-rewetting fluid”, 68th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2015, Boston, USA
  62. G. Karapetsas, N. T. Chamakos, A. G. Papathanasiou, “Effect of substrate topography on the thermocapillary migration of droplets under microgravity”, 22nd ELGRA Symposium and General Assembly Sept 2015, Corfu, Greece
  63. G. Karapetsas, V. Bontozoglou, “Non-linear dynamics of a viscoelastic film subjected to a spatially periodic electric field”, Conference on Modelling Fluid Flow (CMFF’15), Sept 2015, Budapest, Hungary
  64. N. T. Chamakos, G. Karapetsas, M. Kavousanakis, A. G. Papathanasiou, “Efficient modelling of droplet spreading on rough surfaces”, 8th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 2015, Volos, Greece
  65. G. Karapetsas, V. Bontozoglou, “The effect of soluble surfactants on the linear stability of liquid film flow”, 8th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, July 2015, Volos, Greece
  66. G. Karapetsas and V. Bontozoglou, “Non-linear evolution of a viscoelastic film under the influence of DC and AC electric fields”, 10th Panhellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Congress, June 2015, Patras, Greece
  67. G. Karapetsas, N. T. Chamakos, A. G. Papathanasiou, “Modelling droplet interaction with flat or structured solid surfaces”, 10th Panhellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Congress, June 2015, Patras, Greece
  68. N. T. Chamakos, G. Karapetsas, M. Kavousanakis, A. G. Papathanasiou, “Droplet passive movement on asymmetric patterned surfaces”, 10th Panhellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Congress, June 2015, Patras, Greece
  69. D. Pettas, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos and J. Tsamopoulos, “Linear stability analysis of the viscoelastic extrusion flow from a planar die”, 10th Panhellenic Scientific Chemical Engineering Congress, June 2015, Patras, Greece
  70. D. Pettas, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos and J. Tsamopoulos, “Linear stability analysis of viscoelastic fluid extrusion through a planar die”, 10th Annual European Rheology Conference AERC, April 2015, Nantes, France
  71. G. Karapetsas, N. T. Chamakos, M. E. Kavousanakis and A. G.Papathanasiou, “Modeling of dynamic contact lines”, Smart and Green Interfaces Conference – 2015, Joint with COST MP1106 Annual MC meeting, March 2015, Belgrade, Serbia
  72. G. Karapetsas and V. Bontozoglou “Non linear evolution of the electrohydrodynamic instability of a Newtonian or viscoelastic film under a spatially periodic electric field” FLOW 2014, December 2014, Athens, Greece
  73. D. Pettas, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos and J. Tsamopoulos “Linear stability of the viscoelastic extrusion flow from a slit die” FLOW 2014, December 2014, Athens, Greece
  74. M. Tripathi, K. C. Sahu, G. Karapetsas and O. K. Matar “The dynamics of rising bubble inside a viscoplastic material” 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2014, San Fransisco, California, USA
  75. O. K. Matar, M. Tripathi, K. C. Sahu, G. Karapetsas and K. Sefiane “Thermocapillary motion of bubble under the action of gravity in a self-rewetting fluid” 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2014, San Fransisco, California, USA
  76. G. Karapetsas & V. Bontozoglou “Non-linear dynamics of viscoelastic liquid trilayers subjected to an electric field” 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2014, San Fransisco, California, USA
  77. C. Dritselis, G. Karapetsas & V. Bontozoglou “Non-linear dynamics of viscous bilayers subjected to an electric field: 3D phase field simulations” 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2014, San Fransisco, California, USA
  78. K. C. Sahu, M. Tripathi, O. K. Matar and G. Karapetsas “Numerical simulation of rising bubble with chemical reaction” 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2014, San Fransisco, California, USA
  79. G. Karapetsas and V. Bontozoglou, “Non-linear dynamics of the electro-hydrodynamic patterning of viscoelastic materials” EFMC10 – European Fluid Mechanics Conference, September 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark
  80. G. Karapetsas and V. Bontozoglou, “The effect of soluble surfactants on the linear stability of liquid film flow” EFMC10 – European Fluid Mechanics Conference, September 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark
  81. G. Karapetsas and V. Bontozoglou, “A numerical study of electrohydrodynamic patterning of viscoelastic materials ” 7th Conference of the International Marangoni Association, June 2014, Vienna, Austria, p.68
  82. G. Karapetsas and V. Bontozoglou, The primary instability of falling films in the presence of soluble surfactants, 10th HSTAM 2013 International Congress on Mechanics, 25-27 May 2013, Chania, Greece
  83. G. Karapetsas, M. Tripathi, K. C. Sahu and O. K. Matar, “Bubble rise in the presence of chemical reactions and non-newtonian effects”, 2014 INNFM Meeting on Rheometry and General Rheology, April 2014, UK
  84. P. A.P. Swain, G. Karapetsas, O. K. Matar and K. C. Sahu, “Pressure-driven displacement of a viscoplastic material by a Newtonian fluid” 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2013, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
  85. V. Bontozoglou and G. Karapetsas, “The stabilizing mechanism of surfactants in falling films” 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2013, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
  86. K. Sefiane, M. Tripathi, K. C. Sahu, G. Karapetsas and O. K. Matar, “Bubble rise in a non-isothermal channel with a non-monotonic dependence of the surface tension on temperature” 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2013, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
  87. M. Tripathi, K. C. Sahu, G. Karapetsas and O. K. Matar, “Numerical simulation of a bubble rising in an unconfined viscoplastic fluid with chemical reaction” 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2013, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
  88. P. Saenz, P. Valluri, K. Sefiane, G. Karapetsas, J. Kim and O. K. Matar, “Dynamics of evaporating sessile droplets” 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2013, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
  89. J. Tsamopoulos and G. Karapetsas, “Linear stability analysis of the stick-slip flow of a viscoelastic fluid following the Phan-Thien Tanner model” 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2013, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
  90. G. Karapetsas, K. C. Sahu, K. Sefiane and O. K. Matar, “Thermocapillary-driven motion of a droplet on an inclined substrate: contact line dynamics, and non-monotonic dependence of surface tension on temperature” 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2013, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
  91. G. Karapetsas and V. Bontozoglou, “Linear stability of falling films in the presence of soluble surfactants”, 27th European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS) Conference, September 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria
  92. G. Karapetsas, K. C. Sahu and O. K. Matar, “The effect of varying substrate wettability on the thermocapillary motion of droplets”, 27th European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS) Conference, September 2013, Sofia, Bulgaria
  93. E. Mitsoulis and G. Karapetsas, “Some experiences with slip boundary condition in viscous and viscoelastic flows”, Annual European Rheology Conference, April 2013, Leuven, Belgium
  94. G. Karapetsas, K. Sahu and O. K. Matar, “Thermocapillary motion of a droplet on an inclined plate” 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2012, San Diego, California, USA, p. 261
  95.  A. Georgantaki, G. Karapetsas and V. Bontozoglou, “Dynamics of an inclined film in the presence of soluble surfactants” 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2012, San Diego, California, USA, p. 374
  96. P. Saenz, P. Valluri, K. Sefiane, G. Karapetsas and O. K. Matar, “On phase change in thermocapillary flows” 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2012, San Diego, California, USA, p. 317
  97. K. Sefiane, P. Saenz, P. Valluri, G. Karapetsas and O. K. Matar, “Two-phase investigation of hydrothermal waves in saturated interfaces” 65th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2012, San Diego, California, USA, p. 260
  98. G. Karapetsas, A. Georgantaki and V. Bontozoglou, “Dynamics of a surfactant-laden falling film”, International Focus Workshop on Multiscale Complex Fluid Flows and Interfacial Phenomena, October 2012, Dresden, GERMANY
  99. G. Karapetsas, R. V. Craster and O. K. Matar, “Spreading, retraction and sustained oscillations of surfactant-laden lenses”, 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2011, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, p. 94
  100. G. Karapetsas, P. Valluri, K. Sefiane and O. K. Matar, “Convective rolls and hydrothermal waves in evaporating sessile drops”, 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2011, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, p.94
  101. P. Saenz, G. Karapetsas, P. Valluri, K. Sefiane and O. K. Matar, “Numerical study of thermocapillary instabilities in evaporating annular pools and sessile droplets”, 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2011, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, p. 201
  102. G. Karapetsas, R. V. Craster and O. K. Matar, “Dynamics of surfactant-laden drops on liquid substrates”, Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, July 2011, Barcelona, SPAIN
  103. G. Karapetsas, K. Sefiane, R. V. Craster and O. K. Matar, “Linear stability analysis on the evaporation of sessile drops: formation of hydrothermal waves ”, Bifurcations and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics, July 2011, Barcelona, SPAIN
  104. G. Karapetsas, R. V. Craster and O. K. Matar, “Surfactant-induced superspreading of liquid drops on solid substrates”, 63nd Annual meeting of the APS division of fluid dynamics, November 2010, Long Beach, California, USA, p. 110
  105. G. Karapetsas, P. Saenz, K. Sefiane, P. Valluri, O. Matar, “Numerical study of the evaporation of sessile drops: formation of hydrothermal waves”, 63nd Annual meeting of the APS division of fluid dynamics, November 2010, Long Beach, California, USA, p. 65
  106. P. Saenz, P. Valluri, G. Karapetsas, K. Sefiane and O. K. Matar, “Hydrothermal waves in evaporating annular pools and sessile drops using DNS”, 63nd Annual meeting of the APS division of fluid dynamics, November 2010, Long Beach, California, USA, p. 403
  107. G. Karapetsas, O. K. Matar and R. V. Craster, “Surfactant enhanced spreading of liquid drops on solid surfaces”, 8th International Conference of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering, ICCMSE 2010, Kos, Greece, October 2010
  108. G. Karapetsas, R. V. Craster and O. K. Matar, “Spreading of surfactant-laden drops on solid surfaces ”, 24th European Colloid and Interface Society (ECIS) Conference 2010, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC
  109. G. Karapetsas & J. Tsamopoulos, “Linear stability analysis for the stick-slip flow in cylindrical or planar die of a viscoelastic fluid”, 7th Panhellenic scientific conference in Chemical Engineering, Patras, June 2009
  110. I. Papaioannou, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos and J. Tsamopoulos, “Injection molding of a viscoplastic material in a cylindrical pipe or between two parallel disks”, 7th Panhellenic scientific conference in Chemical Engineering, Patras, June 2009
  111. J. Papaioannou, G. Karapetsas, Y. Dimakopoulos and J. Tsamopoulos, “Injection of a viscoplastic material inside a pipe or in the space between two parallel disks: Conditions for wall detachment”, AERC 2009, 6th Annual European Rheology Conference, Cardiff, UK, April 2009
  112. G. Karapetsas and J. Tsamopoulos “Linear stability analysis of the cylindrical or planar stick-slip flow for a PTT fluid model”, 6th Annual European Rheology Conference, AERC, Cardiff, UK, April 2009
  113. J. Tsamopoulos, Y. Dimakopoulos, N. Chatzidai, G. Karapetsas and M. Pavlidis, “Steady bubble rise and deformation in Bingham fluids and conditions for their entrapment”, 4th Annual European Rheology Conference, AERC, Napoli, ITALY, April 2007, p. 227
  114. J. Tsamopoulos, Y. Dimakopoulos, N. Chatzidai, G. Karapetsas and M. Pavlidis, “Steady bubble rise and deformation in Newtonian and Bingham fluids and conditions for their entrapment”, 6th European congress of chemical engineering, Copenhagen, Denmark, September 2007, p. 245, volume 2
  115. J. Tsamopoulos, Y. Dimakopoulos, N. Chatzidai, G. Karapetsas and M. Pavlidis, “Steady bubble rise and deformation in Bingham fluids and conditions for their entrapment”, XVth International Workshop on Numerical Methods for non-Newtonian Flows, Rhodes, GREECE, June 2007, p. 42
  116. G. Karapetsas & J. Tsamopoulos, “Axisymmetric linear stability analysis of the extrusion of viscoelastic materials through an annular die”, 6th Panhellenic scientific conference in Chemical Engineering, Athens, May 2007
  117. M. Pavlidis, G. Karapetsas, N. Chatzidai, Y. Dimakopoulos and J. Tsamopoulos, “Steady flow, deformation and entrapment of bubbles in a viscoplastic fluid”, 6th Panhellenic scientific conference in Chemical Engineering, Athens, May 2007, p. 1057
  118. N. Chatzidai, G. Karapetsas, M. Pavlidis, Y. Dimakopoulos και J. Tsamopoulos, “Flow and deformation of a bubble rising in a viscoplastic material”, FLOW 2006, Patras, November.2006, p. 17
  119. G. Karapetsas & J. Tsamopoulos, “Axisymmetric linear stability analysis for the extrusion of viscoelastic fluids”, FLOW 2006, Patras, November. 2006, p. 18
  120. G. Karapetsas and J. Tsamopoulos, “Viscoelastic simulations of the extrudate swell problem using the PTT model”, 6th EUROMECH Fluid Mechanics Conference, Stockholm, SWEDEN, June 2006, p. 267
  121. G. Karapetsas and J. Tsamopoulos, “A numerical study of extrudate swell for viscoelastic fluids”, AERC 2006, 3nd Annual European Rheology Conference, Hersonisos, GREECE, April 2006, p. 18
  122. G. Karapetsas & J. Tsamopoulos, “Squeeze flow of viscoplastic materials fully accounting for the highly deforming domain of the material”, 5th GRACM International Congress on Computational Mechanics, Limassol, CYPRUS, July 2005, p. 613-620
  123. G. Karapetsas & J. Tsamopoulos, “Transient simulation of the squeeze flow of a viscoplastic material between two parallel disks”, 5th Panhellenic scientific conference in Chemical Engineering, Thessaloniki, May 2005. p. 797-800
  124. G. Karapetsas and J. Tsamopoulos, “Transient squeeze flow of viscoplastic materials”, AERC 2005, 2nd Annual European Rheology Conference, Grenoble, FRANCE, April 2005, p. 163
  125. G. Karapetsas and J. Tsamopoulos, “Transient squeeze flow of viscoplastic materials”, 77th Annual meeting of SOR (Society of Rheology), Vancouver, CΑΝΑΔΑ, October 16-20, 2005, p. 63
  126. G. Karapetsas & J. Tsamopoulos, “Transient simulation of the squeeze flow of a viscoplastic material between two parallel plates”, FLOW 2004, Athens, November 2004, p. 252-259
  127. G. Karapetsas, N. Chatzidai, M. Pavlidis and J. Tsamopoulos, “Τransient squeeze flow of viscoplastic liquids”, HSR 2004, Athens, Greece, June 2004, p. 50