

20th Century International and Greek History
Short CV Presentation

Born in Athens in 1963, he holds a BA in English Studies from the Department of English Studies, the University of Athens (1985), an M.A. in Historical Research (1987) and a Ph.D in History (1991), both from the Department of History, the University of Lancaster. From 1993 to 1997 he was Lecturer in Contemporary European History at the Department of Politics and European Studies, University of Central Lancashire, UK; from 1997 to 2002 he was Senior Lecturer in Contemporary European History at the Department of History, University of Central Lancashire. From 2002 to 2013 he was Assistant Professor of Contemporary Greek History at the Department of History and Archaeology, University of Ioannina, Greece. He has been teaching at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki since 2013.

Research interests: Contemporary World, European and Greek History; The Cold War; the Greek Civil War; US History; Historiography.



 (I) Books

The British Labour Government and the Greek Civil War, 1945-1949: The Imperialism of ‘Non-Intervention’ (Keele: Keele University Press, 1994). Greek edition, 1997.

[in Greek] Greece and the Spanish Civil War: Ideology, Economy, Diplomacy (Athens: Stahy, 2000).

[in Greek] War and Peace in the Strategy of the Greek Communist Party, 1945-1949 (Athens: Filistor, 2001).

[in Greek] ‘Lame Horse’: The International Setting of the Greek Crisis, 1941-1949 (Athens: Vivliorama, 2007).

[in Greek] With Metternich or with Palmerston? The British and the Battle of Athens, December 1944 (Thessaloniki: Ziti, 2015).

[in Greek] The ‘Sea’ and the ‘Isle’: Studies of International and Greek History, 1917-1955 (Athens: Vivliorama, 2020).

(II) Edited and co-edited books

Christopher Williams και Thanasis D. Sfikas (eds.), Ethnicity and Nationalism in the CIS and the Baltic States (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999).

Thanasis D. Sfikas και Christopher Williams (eds.), Ethnicity and Nationalism in Eastern Europe and the Balkans (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999).

Philip Carabott και Thanasis D. Sfikas (eds.), The Greek Civil War: Essays on a Conflict of Exceptionalism and Silences (Aldershot: Ashgate/Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s College, London, 2004).

[in Greek] Konstantina Bada and Thanasis D. Sfikas (eds), Occupation, Resistance, Civil War: Aitoloakarnania in 1940-1950 (Athens: Paraskinio/Filistor, 2010).

[in Greek] Thanasis D. Sfikas (ed.), The Marshall Plan: Europe Reconstructed and Divided (Athens: Patakis, 2011).

[in Greek] Thanasis D. Sfikas, L.I. Hassiotis, I.D. Michailidis (eds), Paths to December: from the Lebanon to Athens, 1944 (Thessaloniki: Epikentro, 2016).

(III) Manuscript editions

[in Greek, Thanasis D. Sfikas, ed.], Giorgos Houliaras (Periklis), ‘A never-ending path’: ELAS, DSE, Poland, 1941-1958, new edition (Lamia: Oionos, 2006 [first edition: University of Ioannina, 2005)]. Partly republished by film director Pantelis Voulgaris and To Vima/Martyries (Athens, 2011).

(IV) Selected articles and book chapters

‘‘The people at the top can do these things which others can’t do’: Winston Churchill and the Greeks, 1940-1945’, Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 26, no. 2 (April 1991): 307-332.

[in Greek] ‘The Last temptation of the KKE, July 1947’, O Mnimon, vol. 14 (1992): 151-175.

‘Attlee, Bevin and ‘a very lame horse’: the dispute over Greece and the Middle East, December 1946 – January 1947’, Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora, vol. 18, no. 2 (1992): 69-96.

‘Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union in the United Nations Commission of Investigation in Greece, January – May 1947’, Contemporary European History, vol. 2, no. 3 (November 1993): 243-263.

‘Greek Attitudes to the Spanish Civil War’, Κάμπος: Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek, vol. 4 (October 1996): 105-132.

‘Spanish Echoes in Greece, 1946-1949: The Myth of the Participation of an ʺInternational Brigadeˮ in the Greek Civil War’, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, vol. 15, no. 1 (May 1997): 87-101.

‘National Movements and Nation-Building in the Balkans, 1804-1922: Historic Origins, Contemporary Misunderstandings’, στο T.D. Sfikas και Ch. Williams (επιμ.), Ethnicity and Nationalism in Eastern Europe and the Balkans (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999), pp. 13-44.

[in Greek] ‘The Smuggler, the Dictator and the Crusader: Greek economic involvement in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939», Istor, vol. 11 (1998): 107-136.

‘Towards a Regional Study of the Origins of the Cold War in Southeastern Europe: British and Soviet Policies in the Balkans, 1945-1949’, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, vol 17, no. 2 (October 1999): 209-227.

‘A Tale of Parallel Lives: The Second Greek Republic and the Second Spanish Republic, 1924-1936’, European History Quarterly, vol. 29, no. 2 (April 1999): 217-250.

[in Greek] ‘The Peace That Never Was: July-August 1947», Anti, no. 694-695 (17 September 1999): 64-71.

[in Greek] ‘East of West and West of East: The Greek Choices, 1940-1949», in A. Argyriou, K. Dimadis, A. Lazaridou, (eds), The Greek World Between East and West, 1453-1981, vol. II (Athens: Ellinika Grammata, 1999), pp. 133-139.

‘War and Peace in the Strategy of the Communist Party of Greece, 1945-1949’, Journal of Cold War Studies, vol. 3, no. 3 (Fall 2001): 5-30.

[in Greek] ‘The ʺwar-peaceˮ dimension of the Greek Civil War: peace initiatives and prospects for compromise, 1945-1949’, in I. Nikolakopoulos, A. Rigos, G. Psallidas, (eds), The Civil War: From Varkiza to Grammos, February 1945 – August 1949 (Athens: Themelio, 2002), pp. 75-101.

[in Greek] ‘From ʺpuppet governments to an ʺanti-imperialist non-interventionist respectabilityˮ: British Policy in Greece, 1936-1949’, in Hagen Fleischer (ed.), Greece ’36-’49: From Dictatorship to Civil War. Watersheds and Continuities (Athens: Kastaniotis, 2003), pp. 73-86.

[in Greek] ‘ʺWe Speak Greco-Spanish These Daysˮ: Ideological use of the Spanish Civil War in Greece, 1936-1949», Dodoni, vol. 32 (2003): 265-305.

‘A Prime Minister for All Time: Themistoklis Sofulis from Premiership to Opposition to Premiership, 1945-1949’, in Ph. Carabott και T.D. Sfikas (επιμ.), The Greek Civil War: Essays on a Conflict of Exceptionalism and Silences (Aldershot: Ashgate/Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s College, London, 2004), pp. 75-99.

[in Greek] ‘Doomed Neutrality: Greek Foreign Policy, 1936-1941’, Dodoni, vol. 33 (2004), pp. 211-248.

[in Greek] ‘Gulliver’s Historiographical Travels: Greek Historiography and the international dimensions of the Greek Civil War’, Dodoni, vol. 33 (2004): 311-363.

[in Greek] ‘ʺWho told you to take up arms and fall to ill-fortune?ˮ Britain, The Soviet Union and EAM, 1941-1944’, Utopia, no. 63 (January-February 2005): 195-202.

‘The Greek Civil War’, in Melvyn P. Leffler και David S. Painter (eds), Origins of the Cold War: An International History, 2nd edn (London and New York: Routledge, 2005), pp. 134-152.

[in Greek] ‘Napoleon Zervas: The Revenge of the Vanquished, 1945-1947’, Dodoni, vol. 34 (2005), pp. 191-208.

[in Greek] ‘Another debate that ʺsmells of mothballsˮ: Meligalas, tin cans and the revision of History’, Utopia, no. 69 (March-April 2006): 167-175.

[in Greek] ‘The Outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the European Balance of Power and Greek Reactions: Summer 1936 – Summer 1937», in D. Filippis (ed.), 1936: Greece and Spain (Athens: Vivliorama, 2007), pp. 257-280.

[in Greek] ‘ʺObviously with the Rightˮ: Britain and the elections of 1946’, in G. Psallidas (ed.), The elections of 1946: A Turning Point in the Political History of Contemporary Greece (Athens: Patakis and ‘Konstantinos K. Mitsotakis’ Foundation, 2008), pp. 314-331.

[in Greek] ‘The surprises that never came: writing the international history of the postwar era after 1991’, Utopia, no. 82 (November-December 2008): 85-100.

[in Greek] ‘The International Setting of the Greek Civil War’, in Ch. Hatziiosif (ed.) History of Greece in the 20th Century, vol. D2 (Athens: Vivliorama, 2010), pp. 239-265.

[in Greek] ‘The narcissism of small things: of muddle, historiography and other demons’, O Mnimon, vol. 30 (2009): 315-336.

[in Greek] ‘The 1940s: Local and national History’, in K. Bada and T.D. Sfikas (eds), Occupation, Resistance, Civil War: Aitoloakarnania, 1940-1950 (Athens: Paraskinio, 2010), pp. 37-51.

[in Greek] ‘Twelve minutes at Harvard University, June 5, 1947: Introduction’, in T.D. Sfikas (ed.), The Marshall Plan: The reconstruction and division of Europe (Athens: Patakis, 2010), pp. 13-46.

[in Greek] ‘American national ideology and the ‘flying saucer’ of the Marshall Plan’, in T.D. Sfikas (ed.), The Marshall Plan: The reconstruction and division of Europe (Athens: Patakis, 2010), pp. 49-92.

[in Greek] ‘The emergence of the postwar world: the multiple writings and readings of the decade 1945-1955, in D.I. Papadimitriou and S. Seferiadis (eds), Unseen aspects of History: Essays in Honour of Yiannis Yiannoulopoulos (Athens: Asini, 2012), pp. 29-66.

Anna Mahera and T.D. Sfikas, ‘Does the Iliad need an Agamemnon version? History, Politics and the Greek 1940s’, Historein, vol. 11 (2011): 80-98.

[in Greek] ‘George F. Kennan and the strategy of Providence: ideology, culture and strategy in the formulation of US policy, 1945-1950’, in P. Ifaistos, K. Kolliopoulos and E. Hatzivasiliou (eds), The Onset of the Cold War: Strategic or Ideological Causes? (Athens: Institute of International Relations, Panteio University, 2012), pp. 42-70 []

“‘An almost unique isle in the sea of democratic Europe’’: Greek Communists’ Perceptions of International Reality, 1944-1949’, Cold War History, vol. 14, no. 1 (January 2014): 1-21.

[in Greek] ‘The ease of ʺdivisionˮ: The Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, the Percentages, Yalta’, in A.M. Droumbouki, K. Gardika, K. Raptis, V. Karamanolakis (eds) The long shadow of the 1940s. War, Occupation, Resistance, Civil War. Essays in Honour of Hagen Fleischer (Athens: Alexandria and Department of History and Archaeology, the University of Athens, 2015), pp. 111-135.

[in Greek] ‘The communities of Greek political refugees in Poland’, in Anna Karapanou (ed.), Greek Political refugees in Eastern Europe (Athens: Hellenic Parliament Foundation, 2017), pp. 127-136.

[in Greek] ‘ʺThe most menacing of all our uncertaintiesˮ: the October Revolution and the Soviet State in the Anglo-Saxon Worldview, 1917-1921’, Ta Istorika, vol. 66 (2017), pp. 45-69.

타나시스 D. 스피카스, 미국과 그리스 내전 (1946-1949),아리스토텔레스 대학 (그리스 테살로니키), 역사·고고학부 20 세기 계사·그리스사학과 교수, ‘The United States and the Greek Civil War, 1946-1949’, Korean and English edition, in Jeju 4.3 – Truth and Justice, towards the sustainable justice (Jeju City: Memorial Committee for the 70th Anniversary of the Jeju April 3rd Uprising and Massacre / Jeju 4.3 Research Institute, 2018), pp. 115-143.

[in Greek] ‘ʺIll Fortuneˮ: Interpretations of the Greek Civil War between academic and public history’, Dodoni, vol. 45-46 (ΜΕ΄-ΜΣΤ΄) (2019): 239-257.




School of History and Archaeology

2310 997517

2310 997517


Research Interests
Contemporary World, European and Greek History; τhe Cold War; the Greek Civil War; US History; Historiography



20th Century International and Greek History
Short CV Presentation

Born in Athens in 1963, he holds a BA in English Studies from the Department of English Studies, the University of Athens (1985), an M.A. in Historical Research (1987) and a Ph.D in History (1991), both from the Department of History, the University of Lancaster. From 1993 to 1997 he was Lecturer in Contemporary European History at the Department of Politics and European Studies, University of Central Lancashire, UK; from 1997 to 2002 he was Senior Lecturer in Contemporary European History at the Department of History, University of Central Lancashire. From 2002 to 2013 he was Assistant Professor of Contemporary Greek History at the Department of History and Archaeology, University of Ioannina, Greece. He has been teaching at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki since 2013.

Research interests: Contemporary World, European and Greek History; The Cold War; the Greek Civil War; US History; Historiography.



 (I) Books

The British Labour Government and the Greek Civil War, 1945-1949: The Imperialism of ‘Non-Intervention’ (Keele: Keele University Press, 1994). Greek edition, 1997.

[in Greek] Greece and the Spanish Civil War: Ideology, Economy, Diplomacy (Athens: Stahy, 2000).

[in Greek] War and Peace in the Strategy of the Greek Communist Party, 1945-1949 (Athens: Filistor, 2001).

[in Greek] ‘Lame Horse’: The International Setting of the Greek Crisis, 1941-1949 (Athens: Vivliorama, 2007).

[in Greek] With Metternich or with Palmerston? The British and the Battle of Athens, December 1944 (Thessaloniki: Ziti, 2015).

[in Greek] The ‘Sea’ and the ‘Isle’: Studies of International and Greek History, 1917-1955 (Athens: Vivliorama, 2020).

(II) Edited and co-edited books

Christopher Williams και Thanasis D. Sfikas (eds.), Ethnicity and Nationalism in the CIS and the Baltic States (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999).

Thanasis D. Sfikas και Christopher Williams (eds.), Ethnicity and Nationalism in Eastern Europe and the Balkans (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999).

Philip Carabott και Thanasis D. Sfikas (eds.), The Greek Civil War: Essays on a Conflict of Exceptionalism and Silences (Aldershot: Ashgate/Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s College, London, 2004).

[in Greek] Konstantina Bada and Thanasis D. Sfikas (eds), Occupation, Resistance, Civil War: Aitoloakarnania in 1940-1950 (Athens: Paraskinio/Filistor, 2010).

[in Greek] Thanasis D. Sfikas (ed.), The Marshall Plan: Europe Reconstructed and Divided (Athens: Patakis, 2011).

[in Greek] Thanasis D. Sfikas, L.I. Hassiotis, I.D. Michailidis (eds), Paths to December: from the Lebanon to Athens, 1944 (Thessaloniki: Epikentro, 2016).

(III) Manuscript editions

[in Greek, Thanasis D. Sfikas, ed.], Giorgos Houliaras (Periklis), ‘A never-ending path’: ELAS, DSE, Poland, 1941-1958, new edition (Lamia: Oionos, 2006 [first edition: University of Ioannina, 2005)]. Partly republished by film director Pantelis Voulgaris and To Vima/Martyries (Athens, 2011).

(IV) Selected articles and book chapters

‘‘The people at the top can do these things which others can’t do’: Winston Churchill and the Greeks, 1940-1945’, Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 26, no. 2 (April 1991): 307-332.

[in Greek] ‘The Last temptation of the KKE, July 1947’, O Mnimon, vol. 14 (1992): 151-175.

‘Attlee, Bevin and ‘a very lame horse’: the dispute over Greece and the Middle East, December 1946 – January 1947’, Journal of the Hellenic Diaspora, vol. 18, no. 2 (1992): 69-96.

‘Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union in the United Nations Commission of Investigation in Greece, January – May 1947’, Contemporary European History, vol. 2, no. 3 (November 1993): 243-263.

‘Greek Attitudes to the Spanish Civil War’, Κάμπος: Cambridge Papers in Modern Greek, vol. 4 (October 1996): 105-132.

‘Spanish Echoes in Greece, 1946-1949: The Myth of the Participation of an ʺInternational Brigadeˮ in the Greek Civil War’, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, vol. 15, no. 1 (May 1997): 87-101.

‘National Movements and Nation-Building in the Balkans, 1804-1922: Historic Origins, Contemporary Misunderstandings’, στο T.D. Sfikas και Ch. Williams (επιμ.), Ethnicity and Nationalism in Eastern Europe and the Balkans (Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999), pp. 13-44.

[in Greek] ‘The Smuggler, the Dictator and the Crusader: Greek economic involvement in the Spanish Civil War, 1936-1939», Istor, vol. 11 (1998): 107-136.

‘Towards a Regional Study of the Origins of the Cold War in Southeastern Europe: British and Soviet Policies in the Balkans, 1945-1949’, Journal of Modern Greek Studies, vol 17, no. 2 (October 1999): 209-227.

‘A Tale of Parallel Lives: The Second Greek Republic and the Second Spanish Republic, 1924-1936’, European History Quarterly, vol. 29, no. 2 (April 1999): 217-250.

[in Greek] ‘The Peace That Never Was: July-August 1947», Anti, no. 694-695 (17 September 1999): 64-71.

[in Greek] ‘East of West and West of East: The Greek Choices, 1940-1949», in A. Argyriou, K. Dimadis, A. Lazaridou, (eds), The Greek World Between East and West, 1453-1981, vol. II (Athens: Ellinika Grammata, 1999), pp. 133-139.

‘War and Peace in the Strategy of the Communist Party of Greece, 1945-1949’, Journal of Cold War Studies, vol. 3, no. 3 (Fall 2001): 5-30.

[in Greek] ‘The ʺwar-peaceˮ dimension of the Greek Civil War: peace initiatives and prospects for compromise, 1945-1949’, in I. Nikolakopoulos, A. Rigos, G. Psallidas, (eds), The Civil War: From Varkiza to Grammos, February 1945 – August 1949 (Athens: Themelio, 2002), pp. 75-101.

[in Greek] ‘From ʺpuppet governments to an ʺanti-imperialist non-interventionist respectabilityˮ: British Policy in Greece, 1936-1949’, in Hagen Fleischer (ed.), Greece ’36-’49: From Dictatorship to Civil War. Watersheds and Continuities (Athens: Kastaniotis, 2003), pp. 73-86.

[in Greek] ‘ʺWe Speak Greco-Spanish These Daysˮ: Ideological use of the Spanish Civil War in Greece, 1936-1949», Dodoni, vol. 32 (2003): 265-305.

‘A Prime Minister for All Time: Themistoklis Sofulis from Premiership to Opposition to Premiership, 1945-1949’, in Ph. Carabott και T.D. Sfikas (επιμ.), The Greek Civil War: Essays on a Conflict of Exceptionalism and Silences (Aldershot: Ashgate/Centre for Hellenic Studies, King’s College, London, 2004), pp. 75-99.

[in Greek] ‘Doomed Neutrality: Greek Foreign Policy, 1936-1941’, Dodoni, vol. 33 (2004), pp. 211-248.

[in Greek] ‘Gulliver’s Historiographical Travels: Greek Historiography and the international dimensions of the Greek Civil War’, Dodoni, vol. 33 (2004): 311-363.

[in Greek] ‘ʺWho told you to take up arms and fall to ill-fortune?ˮ Britain, The Soviet Union and EAM, 1941-1944’, Utopia, no. 63 (January-February 2005): 195-202.

‘The Greek Civil War’, in Melvyn P. Leffler και David S. Painter (eds), Origins of the Cold War: An International History, 2nd edn (London and New York: Routledge, 2005), pp. 134-152.

[in Greek] ‘Napoleon Zervas: The Revenge of the Vanquished, 1945-1947’, Dodoni, vol. 34 (2005), pp. 191-208.

[in Greek] ‘Another debate that ʺsmells of mothballsˮ: Meligalas, tin cans and the revision of History’, Utopia, no. 69 (March-April 2006): 167-175.

[in Greek] ‘The Outbreak of the Spanish Civil War, the European Balance of Power and Greek Reactions: Summer 1936 – Summer 1937», in D. Filippis (ed.), 1936: Greece and Spain (Athens: Vivliorama, 2007), pp. 257-280.

[in Greek] ‘ʺObviously with the Rightˮ: Britain and the elections of 1946’, in G. Psallidas (ed.), The elections of 1946: A Turning Point in the Political History of Contemporary Greece (Athens: Patakis and ‘Konstantinos K. Mitsotakis’ Foundation, 2008), pp. 314-331.

[in Greek] ‘The surprises that never came: writing the international history of the postwar era after 1991’, Utopia, no. 82 (November-December 2008): 85-100.

[in Greek] ‘The International Setting of the Greek Civil War’, in Ch. Hatziiosif (ed.) History of Greece in the 20th Century, vol. D2 (Athens: Vivliorama, 2010), pp. 239-265.

[in Greek] ‘The narcissism of small things: of muddle, historiography and other demons’, O Mnimon, vol. 30 (2009): 315-336.

[in Greek] ‘The 1940s: Local and national History’, in K. Bada and T.D. Sfikas (eds), Occupation, Resistance, Civil War: Aitoloakarnania, 1940-1950 (Athens: Paraskinio, 2010), pp. 37-51.

[in Greek] ‘Twelve minutes at Harvard University, June 5, 1947: Introduction’, in T.D. Sfikas (ed.), The Marshall Plan: The reconstruction and division of Europe (Athens: Patakis, 2010), pp. 13-46.

[in Greek] ‘American national ideology and the ‘flying saucer’ of the Marshall Plan’, in T.D. Sfikas (ed.), The Marshall Plan: The reconstruction and division of Europe (Athens: Patakis, 2010), pp. 49-92.

[in Greek] ‘The emergence of the postwar world: the multiple writings and readings of the decade 1945-1955, in D.I. Papadimitriou and S. Seferiadis (eds), Unseen aspects of History: Essays in Honour of Yiannis Yiannoulopoulos (Athens: Asini, 2012), pp. 29-66.

Anna Mahera and T.D. Sfikas, ‘Does the Iliad need an Agamemnon version? History, Politics and the Greek 1940s’, Historein, vol. 11 (2011): 80-98.

[in Greek] ‘George F. Kennan and the strategy of Providence: ideology, culture and strategy in the formulation of US policy, 1945-1950’, in P. Ifaistos, K. Kolliopoulos and E. Hatzivasiliou (eds), The Onset of the Cold War: Strategic or Ideological Causes? (Athens: Institute of International Relations, Panteio University, 2012), pp. 42-70 []

“‘An almost unique isle in the sea of democratic Europe’’: Greek Communists’ Perceptions of International Reality, 1944-1949’, Cold War History, vol. 14, no. 1 (January 2014): 1-21.

[in Greek] ‘The ease of ʺdivisionˮ: The Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact, the Percentages, Yalta’, in A.M. Droumbouki, K. Gardika, K. Raptis, V. Karamanolakis (eds) The long shadow of the 1940s. War, Occupation, Resistance, Civil War. Essays in Honour of Hagen Fleischer (Athens: Alexandria and Department of History and Archaeology, the University of Athens, 2015), pp. 111-135.

[in Greek] ‘The communities of Greek political refugees in Poland’, in Anna Karapanou (ed.), Greek Political refugees in Eastern Europe (Athens: Hellenic Parliament Foundation, 2017), pp. 127-136.

[in Greek] ‘ʺThe most menacing of all our uncertaintiesˮ: the October Revolution and the Soviet State in the Anglo-Saxon Worldview, 1917-1921’, Ta Istorika, vol. 66 (2017), pp. 45-69.

타나시스 D. 스피카스, 미국과 그리스 내전 (1946-1949),아리스토텔레스 대학 (그리스 테살로니키), 역사·고고학부 20 세기 계사·그리스사학과 교수, ‘The United States and the Greek Civil War, 1946-1949’, Korean and English edition, in Jeju 4.3 – Truth and Justice, towards the sustainable justice (Jeju City: Memorial Committee for the 70th Anniversary of the Jeju April 3rd Uprising and Massacre / Jeju 4.3 Research Institute, 2018), pp. 115-143.

[in Greek] ‘ʺIll Fortuneˮ: Interpretations of the Greek Civil War between academic and public history’, Dodoni, vol. 45-46 (ΜΕ΄-ΜΣΤ΄) (2019): 239-257.




Professional Experience