

Musical Acoustics, Psychoacoustics & Signal Processing
Short CV Presentation


the science and art of acoustic communication


The value of Hearing in communication is more than obvious. However, we are still struggling to decipher its biological substrates, functionality and phenomena, and particularly within the context of Quality of Life.

As an engineer, I have focused on Acoustics, Auditory Perception and Signal Processing for more than 30 years.

As a musician myself, I seek to combine the science of hearing with the demands and wealth of artistic expression and communication.

And this is my field: acquiring knowledge, employing analysis, and incorporating machine intelligence to minister the Hearing’s hyper-dimensional and multi-faceted nature. 

School of Music Studies



Research Interests
Perception and Cognitive Processes in Psychophysics Behavioral Signal Processing, Testing and Techniques Neuromodulation and Imaging in Auditory Perception and Voice/Speech ML/AI in Hearing Technologies Computational Techniques in Auditory Perception and Audiology Performing Arts Medicine Voice/Singing Signal Processing Technology, Music and Quality of Life Perception and Audiovisual Production



Musical Acoustics, Psychoacoustics & Signal Processing
Short CV Presentation


the science and art of acoustic communication


The value of Hearing in communication is more than obvious. However, we are still struggling to decipher its biological substrates, functionality and phenomena, and particularly within the context of Quality of Life.

As an engineer, I have focused on Acoustics, Auditory Perception and Signal Processing for more than 30 years.

As a musician myself, I seek to combine the science of hearing with the demands and wealth of artistic expression and communication.

And this is my field: acquiring knowledge, employing analysis, and incorporating machine intelligence to minister the Hearing’s hyper-dimensional and multi-faceted nature. 


Introduction to the Acoustics of Musical Instruments (Undergraduate)

Technology, Music and Quality of Life (Undergraduate)

Research Methods in Psychoacoustics and Cognitive Psychology of Music (Undergraduate)

Computational Techniques and Musical Acoustics Applications (Undergraduate)

Educational technology and music (Undergraduate)

Performing Arts Medicine (University of Athens, Medical School) [as co-tutor] (Undergraduate)

Clinical Skills and Tutoring Series (University of Athens, Medical School, 1st ENT Clinic) [as co-tutor] (Undergraduate)

Biophysics (University of Athens, Medical School, Audiology-Neurotology MSc.) [as co-tutor] (Postgraduate)

Basic Science in Audiology and Neurotology (University of Athens, Medical School, Audiology-Neurotology MSc.) [as co-tutor] (Postgraduate)

Natural and Artificial Perception (AUTH, ECE, MSc on Advanced Computer & Communication Systems) [as co-tutor] (Postgraduate)

Natural Language & Voice Processing (AUTH, ECE, MSc on Advanced Computer & Communication Systems) [as co-tutor] (Postgraduate)

Selected Publications


  1. Anne G. M. Schilder, Stephan Wolpert, Shakeel Saeed, Leonie M. Middelink, Albert S. B. Edge, Helen Blackshaw, REGAIN Consortium, Kostas Pastiadis & Athanasios G. Bibas, A phase I/IIa safety and efficacy trial of intratympanic gamma-secretase inhibitor as a regenerative drug treatment for sensorineural hearing loss, Nat Commun 15, 1896 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-024-45784-0
  2. Markatos N., Kikidids D., Pastiadis K., Didmitriadis D., Bamiou D.E., Bibas A., Development and Validation of a Words in Babble Test in Modern Greek Language, Hearing, Balance and Communication, 2024 (Accepted)


  1. Eleftheria Iliadou, Konstantinos Pastiadis, Christopher J. Plack, Athanasios Bibas, Exposure to noise or music in clinical trials: A scoping review on ethical and methodological considerations, Noise & Health (Accepted)
  2. Iliadou E, Pastiadis K, Dimitriadis D, Plack CJ, Bibas A. Development and Validation of an Efficient and Safe Loud Music Exposure Paradigm. J Speech Lang Hear Res. 2024 Feb 12;67(2):668-679. doi: 10.1044/2023_JSLHR-23-00332. Epub 2024 Jan 31. PMID: 38295290; PMCID: PMC11000795.
  3. Iliadou E, Plack CJ, Pastiadis K, Bibas A. Serum Prestin Level May Increase Following Music Exposure That Induces Temporary Threshold Shifts: A Pilot Study. Ear Hear. 2024 Mar 15. doi: 10.1097/AUD.0000000000001499. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 38488693.
  4. Pastiadis, K., Vlachos, I., Chatzikyriakou, E., Roth, Y., Zibman, S., Zangen, A., Kugiumtzis, D., Kimiskidis, V.K. Auditory Fine-Tuned Suppressor of TMS-Clicks (TMS-Click AFTS): A Novel, Perceptually Driven/Tuned Approach for the Reduction in AEP Artifacts in TMS-EEG Studies. Appl. Sci. 2023, 13, 1047.


  1. Papadatou, L., & Pastiadis, K. (2022). Investigation of visual prototypes in the semantics of timbre of musical sounds. Hellenic Institute of Acoustics, 2022 Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  2. Pastiadis, K., Vlahos, I., Chatzikyriakou, E., Roth, Y., Ziebman, S., Zangen, A., Kugiumtzis, D., & Kimiskidis, V. (2022). A novel, modular and hybrid method and software for the reduction of AEP artifacts in TMS-EEG studies. International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Systems, ICBES22, EECS22, Online.
  3. Thoidis, I., Pastiadis, K., & Papanikolaou, G. (2022). Towards differentiable auditory models as objective functions for listener-specific speech enhancement. Virtual Conference on Computational Audiology 2022, Online.


  1. Iliadou, E., Kikidis, D., Pastiadis, K., Plack, C. J., & Bibas, A. (2021). Blood Prestin Levels in Normal Hearing and in Sensorineural Hearing Loss: A Scoping Review. Ear and Hearing, 42(5), 1127–1136.
  2. Vardonikolaki, A., Kikidis, D., Iliadou, E., Markatos, N., Pastiadis, K., & Bibas, A. (2021). Audiological findings in professionals exposed to music and their relation with tinnitus. Prog Brain Res, 260(327–353).
  3. Zacharakis, A., & Pastiadis, K. (2021). Interaction between time-varying tone inharmonicity, fundamental frequency and spectral shape affects felt tension and timbral semantics. Acta Acustica, 5, 2021–15.


  1. Chalkias, T., & Pastiadis, K. (2020). Perceptual characteristics of spaces of music performance and listening. 2nd International Conference on Timbre. 2nd International Conference on Timbre, Online.
  2. Katrakazas, P., Pastiadis, K., Bibas, A., & Koutsouris, D. (2020). A General Systems Theory Approach in Public Hearing Health: Lessons Learned From a Systematic Review of General Systems Theory in Healthcare. IEEE Access, 8, 53018–53033.
  3. Vardonikolaki, A., Pavlopoulos, V., Pastiadis, K., Markatos, N., Papathanasiou, I., Papadelis, G., Logiadis, M., & Bibas, A. (2020). Musicians’ Hearing Handicap Index: A New Questionnaire to Assess the Impact of Hearing Impairment in Musicians and Other Music Professionals. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research: JSLHR, 63(12), 4219–4237.
  4. Zacharakis, A., Hayes, B., Saitis, C., & Pastiadis, K. (2020). Evidence for timbre space robustness to an uncontrolled online stimulus presentation. 2nd International Conference on Timbre, Online


  1. Fountoulakis, K. N., Karavelas, V., Moysidou, S., Mavridis, D., Pastiadis, K., Petalidou, N., Nimatoudis, I., & Kasper, S. (2019). Efficacy of Add-on Pregabalin in the Treatment of Patients with Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Unipolar Major Depression With an Early Nonresponse to Escitalopram: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Study. Pharmacopsychiatry, 52(4), 193–202.
  2. Pastiadis, K. (2019). Advanced EP, Psychophysical and Computational techniques in HL, Opportunities and Challenges. 20th Conference of the Hellenic ENT Society, Larisa.
  3. Thoidis, I., Vrysis, L., Pastiadis, K., Markou, K., & Papanikolaou, G. (2019). Investigation of an Encoder-Decoder LSTM model on the enhancement of speech intelligibility in noise for hearing impaired listeners. AES 146th Convention, Dublin, Ireland.
  4. Trouka, D., Papadelis, G., Pastiadis, K., Kyriafinis, G., & Konstantinidis, I. (2019). The effect of music training on auditory & music perception in children with cochlear implants. Creative Arts Interconnection – Paideia – Therapy, CAIPT PcS2019, Thessaloniki, GREECE.
  5. Tsekouropoulou, V., Papadelis, G., Pastiadis, K., Kyriafinis, G., & Konstantinidis, I. (2019). Attention regulation through music-based training to improve performance in cognitive tasks in elementary students with cochlear implants. Creative Arts Interconnection – Paideia – Therapy, CAIPT PcS2019, Thessaloniki, GREECE.


  1. Pastiadis, K., & Fountoulakis, K. N. (2018). Treatment Guidelines for Bipolar Disorder in Adults (CINP-BD-2017): Software Realization. 31st CINP World Congress, “Neuropsychopharmacology: Meeting Global Challenges with Global Innovation.,” Vienna, Austria
  2. Vardonikolaki, A., Pavlopoulos, V., Markatos, N., Papathanasiou, I., Papadelis, G., Logiadis, M., Pastiadis, K., & Bibas, A. (2018). Musicians Hearing Handicap Index: New Tool for the Assessment of Functional Hearing in Music Professionals, ASHA, 2018, USA (Meritorious Poster Award). ASHA, 2018, Boston, USA.
  3. Zacharakis, A., & Pastiadis, K. (2018). Examining the Influence of Tone Inharmonicity on Felt Tension and Timbral Semantics. 1st International Conference on Timbre, Montreal, Canada
  4. Zacharakis, A., Pastiadis, K., & Katsanevaki, A. (2018). Tension perception in Greek traditional folk music: Examining the role of timbral semantics. 8th International Workshop in Folk Music Analysis (FMA 2018, Thessaloniki, GREECE.


  1. Pastiadis, K. (2017). Representations and Recordings from Peripheral and Sub-cortical Auditory Structures: Opportunities and Challenges in Hearing and Learning. SYMPOSIUM on AUDITORY PERCEPTION IN LEARNING WITH IMPLICATIONS IN MENTAL HEALTH. 5th International Congress on Neurobiology, Psychopharmacology and Treatment Guidance (ICNP2017), Chalkidiki, Greece.
  2. Pastiadis, K. (2017). Singing voice monitoring. Singing Voice Techniques: Auditory and Phoniatric approaches, Athens.
  3. Zacharakis, A., Terrell, M. J., Simpson, A. J. R., Pastiadis, K., & Reiss, J. D. (2017). Rearrangement of Timbre Space Due to Background Noise: Behavioural Evidence and Acoustic Correlates. Acta Acustica United with Acustica, 103(2), 288–298.


  1. Fountoulakis, K. N., Chatzikosta, I., Pastiadis, K., Zanis, P., Kawohl, W., Kerkhof, A. J. F. M., Navickas, A., Höschl, C., Lecic-Tosevski, D., Sorel, E., Rancans, E., Palova, E., Juckel, G., Isacsson, G., Jagodic, H. K., Botezat-Antonescu, I., Rybakowski, J., Azorin, J. M., Cookson, J., … Bech, P. (2016). Relationship of suicide rates with climate and economic variables in Europe during 2000–2012. Annals of General Psychiatry, 15(1), 19.
  2. Pastiadis, K. (2016). Measurement & evaluation of auditory/listening abilities in CI users: issues and design. Expanding Music M.U.S.I.C: Music’s Use in Symbolism, Imagination and Creativity, Tellogleion Institution, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  3. Vletsi, V., Pastiadis, K., & Zacharakis, A. (2016). Inharmonicity and timbre: an investigation of perceptual thresholds of deviation from pure harmonicity in noise. (Abstract). Hellenic Institute of Acoustics, 2016 Conference, Athens, Greece
  4. Zacharakis, A., & Pastiadis, K. (2016). Revisiting the Luminance-Texture-Mass Model for Musical Timbre Semantics: A Confirmatory Approach and Perspectives of Extension. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 64(9), 636-645


  1. Zacharakis, A., & Pastiadis, K. (2015). A confirmatory approach of the Luminance-Texture-Mass model for musical timbre semantics. Proceedings of the Audio Mostly 2015 on Interaction With Sound, AM15, Thessaloniki, Greece
  2. Zacharakis, A., Pastiadis, K., & Reiss, J. D. (2015). An interlanguage unification of musical timbre: Bridging semantic, perceptual, and acoustic dimensions. Music Perception, 32(4), 394–412.


  1. Nikolaidis, N., Pastiadis, K., & Papadelis, G. (2014). Recording dynamic psychoacoustic characteristics with application in the study of the perception of sound sources’ lateralization. Hellenic Institute of Acoustics, 2014 Conference, Thessaloniki, GREECE.
  2. Pastiadis, K., Papadelis, G., Kekes, G., Zarras, C., Besinas, A., Brauch, M., & Maurer, J. (2014). Improving the Quality-of-Hearing in CI users: a perspective upon extended assessment, mobile applications and data collection. 98. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung Südwestdeutscher Hals-Nasen-Ohrenärzte, Wiesbaden – Germany.
  3. Zacharakis, A., Pastiadis, K., & Reiss, J. D. (2014). An interlanguage study of musical timbre semantic dimensions and their acoustic correlates. Music Perception, 31(4), 339–358.
Recent Projects


REGAIN-REgeneration of inner ear hair cells with GAmma-secretase Inhibitors, European Union’s Horizon 2020, Researcher

