

Department Head Meteorology and Climatology

School of Geology


Meteoroskopio Building, AUTH campus

Short CV Presentation

Eleni Katragkou is Professor and  Department Head of Meteorology and Climatology, School of Geology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTH), Greece. She is Physicist by training with MSc in Atmospheric Physics (AUTH) and PhD in Atmospheric Science (University of Heidelberg, Germany). Her research interests lie in the field of meteorology, climatology and atmospheric science. She has 61 publications in peer review journals (h-index=28, 2760 citations) and she participates or leads 40 research programs (European and national). She is a national L’Oreal-Unesco for Women in Science Laureate (2012) and member of the EYWA consortium awarded with the European Innovation Council prize for Early Warning on epidemics for her contribution in climate services (2021). She is contributing Author of the Regional Atlas Chapter of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report and Regional Focal Point for Europe and Western Asia of the World Climate Research Program (WCPR). She is cocoordinating the dynamical downscaling activities of the European Coordinated Regional Downscaling Activities (EURO-CORDEX) under the auspices of the World Climate Research Program (WCRP). She teaches in the Under- and Postgraduate study programs at the School of Geology, AUTH.

1994 - 1998

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

School of Physics


1998 - 1996

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

School of Physics


2001 - 2003

Heidelberg University

Faculty of Physics and Astronomy

Dr rer nat

Professional Experience

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki



Physical climatology – Climate Models

2022 - 2024

Introduction to computing (Undergraduate)

2018 - 2024

General and Dynamic Meteorology (Undergraduate)

2013 - 2024

Climate Modeling (Postgraduate)

2024 - 2024

Atmospheric Physics (Postgraduate)

Upgrading a climate model to improve regional climate projections

The project contributes to the ongoing regional climate activities of CMIP6/EURO-CORDEX

Resilient farming by adaptive microclimate management

The project develops breakthrough, multiscale and holistic climate-smart agriculture methodologyies

Mosquito Vision

Development of a digital application for mosquito nuisance