
School of History and Archaeology

Faculty of Letters, New Building, 401

2310 997500

2310 997500

Eleftheria Manta

Short CV Presentation

ELEFTHERIA MANTA was born in Thessaloniki, Greece.
She is Associate Professor of Modern Greek History at the School of History and
She joined the School of History and Archaeology of the Aristotle University on 2011,
initially as Lecturer.
Her academic and research interests include Modern Greek history (from 17th c.),
Albanian and Balkan history, Greek-Albanian relations etc. She speaks English, French,
Italian, and Albanian.
Her main publications are:
Poverty and Charity in Thessaloniki (1930-1935), Thessaloniki 2016 (in cooperation with
D. Kontogeorgis and Ch. Mandatzis). (in Greek)
The Educational System for the Greek Minority in Albania during the Interwar Period,
Thessaloniki 2010. (in Greek)
Muslim Albanians in Greece. The Chams of Epirus (1923-2000), Thessaloniki 2000
(originally in Greek, translated in English, 2008, and in Albanian, 2015).
Kosovo and the Albanian Populations in the Balkans, Thessaloniki 2000 (collective
The Greek Minority in Albania. A Documentary Record (1921-1993), Thessaloniki, 1994
(in cooperation with B. Kondis).

Short CV Presentation

ELEFTHERIA MANTA was born in Thessaloniki, Greece.
She is Associate Professor of Modern Greek History at the School of History and
She joined the School of History and Archaeology of the Aristotle University on 2011,
initially as Lecturer.
Her academic and research interests include Modern Greek history (from 17th c.),
Albanian and Balkan history, Greek-Albanian relations etc. She speaks English, French,
Italian, and Albanian.
Her main publications are:
Poverty and Charity in Thessaloniki (1930-1935), Thessaloniki 2016 (in cooperation with
D. Kontogeorgis and Ch. Mandatzis). (in Greek)
The Educational System for the Greek Minority in Albania during the Interwar Period,
Thessaloniki 2010. (in Greek)
Muslim Albanians in Greece. The Chams of Epirus (1923-2000), Thessaloniki 2000
(originally in Greek, translated in English, 2008, and in Albanian, 2015).
Kosovo and the Albanian Populations in the Balkans, Thessaloniki 2000 (collective
The Greek Minority in Albania. A Documentary Record (1921-1993), Thessaloniki, 1994
(in cooperation with B. Kondis).


School of History and Archaeology

Faculty of Letters, New Building, 401

2310 997500

2310 997500

Eleftheria Manta



Professional Experience


