“I was born and raised in Nigrita, Serres. I studied at the Pedagogical Academy of Heraklion, at the Pedagogical Department of Primary Education of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki & at the Dimitris Glinos Teaching School of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. In the same department (PTE – Aristotle University of Thessaloniki) I completed my doctoral thesis.
I worked for many years as a teacher in primary education, in all types of schools (one-, two-, three-, three- and multi-grade schools). I was the principal of the 77th Primary School & School Counsellor of the third School Counsellor District of Serres Prefecture. In higher education I taught at the “Dimitris Glinos” Teaching School of the University of Thessaloniki (2005-2012), at the Department of Educational and Social Policy of the University of Macedonia (2007-9) & at the University of Thessaloniki (2010-11). In February 2011 I was appointed as a lecturer at the Department of Primary Education of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, in June 2015 I was elected to the rank of assistant professor, to which I was tenured in February 2019. Since August 2021 I am an Associate Professor.
I am a member of the International Association for Intercultural Education (http://www.iaie.org/), the Children’s Identity & Citizenship European Association (http://www.cicea.eu/), the Pedagogical Society of Greece (http://www.pee.gr), the European Network for Teacher Education Kastalia (https://sites.google.com/site/kastalianetwork/). I am a member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Education (http://www.macrothink.org/journal/index.php/ije/about/editorialTeam), Journal of Education (http://www.scirea.org/journal/EditorialBoard?JournalID=88000), international Journal of Modern Education Studies, as well as the Greek scientific journal Neos Pedagogos
My research activity, publications and presentations at conferences, workshops and seminars, as well as the student projects I supervise, are focused on pedagogical issues, which are explored in the light of the impact of economic, social, political, cultural and ideological developments.
My activities outside the university sphere involve audiences of education professionals (participation in workshops & training programmes), as well as individuals of different / diverse interests (lecturing at open universities, participating in TV programmes, writing articles for newspapers, magazines and websites).
My scientific interests are currently focused on topics:
1. Multicultural, Anti-Racist and Intercultural Education.
2. Equality & social justice in education
3. Democracy in schools and classroom
ΥΠΜ10 Anti-racist, Anti-sexist and Intercultural Education (winter and Spring Semester 2024-25) (Undergraduate)
ΕΠΜ112 General Pedagogical Knowledge: Organization and Management of the School Classroom (winter semester 2024-25) (Undergraduate)
ΕΠΜ103 Intercultural Education for Social Justice (spring semester 2024-25) (Undergraduate)