Laboratory Teaching Staff


School of History and Archaeology

Research Interests

Ancient Greek Drama, Gender and Class Analysis in Ancient Greek Tragedy, Reception of Ancient Greek Drama, Roman Drama, Neo Latin Drama, Ancient Greek Philosophy, Historiography, Feminism and Classics, Modernism and Classics, Post Modernism and Classics, Psychology and Classics, Sociology and Classics, Political Science and Classics.


Short CV Presentation

Dr Sofia Alagkiozidou

Ph.D. Classics, M. Phil. Classics, M. Phil. Philosophy,

B.A. Hons Greek Literature



I. Personal Information

Name: Sofia Alagkiozidou
Phone numbers: +30-2310-998298 (office), +30-6981-154335 (mobile)
Current Professional Position: Tenured EDIP of Ancient Greek Language and Literature (EDIP is the equivalent of U.S.A Lecturer) at the Department of History and Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (full time)

II. Education

2017-2020 Post-Doctoral Fellow in Philosophy and Classics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Philosophy

Title of Thesis (Habilitation-equivalent): ‘Aristocratic and Democratic Ideals in Sophocles and Plato: Ideologies in Negotiation’

Supervisor: Prof. V. Kalfas

2008-2016 Ph.D. in Classics, Royal Holloway University of London, UK (awarded on 01/04/2017 without corrections, only typoos)

Title of Thesis: ‘Trachiniae and Its Dramatic Reception: Identities and Ideologies in Transition, Crisis and Transformation’

Supervisor: Prof. Ahuvia Kahane

2004-2008 M.Phil. Philosophy, Excellent (9.22/10), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Title of Thesis: ‘Correlation between philosophy and comedy in classical Athens’

Supervisor: Prof. V. Kalfas

2004-2008 M.Phil. Classics, Excellent (9.99/10), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Title of Thesis: ‘Presentation of Jacob Bidermann’s work Cenodoxus: Introduction, Modern Greek Translation, Commentary’

Supervisor: Prof. D. Nikitas

1997-2001 B.A. Hons Greek Literature (Philology), Specialization in Classics, Very Good – B1 (7.8/10), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


III. Employment History

2021-                          Tenured EDIP of Ancient Greek Language and Literature at the Department of History and Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (full time)

2019-2021                  Greek language teacher at the secondary education in Thessaloniki (full time)

2019                            Fixed-term Lecturer of Ancient Greek Language and Literature at the Department of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

2016-2019                  Greek language teacher at the secondary education in Thessaloniki (full time)

2014-2016                  Full time PhD Student, Royal Holloway University of London

2011-2014                  Head Teacher of the Greek Secondary School of London

2009-2011                  Full employment as teacher of Classics and Modern Greek Language in the Greek Secondary School of London

2008-2009                  Full employment as teacher of Classics and Modern Greek Language in the Greek Afternoon School of St Andrews in Edinburgh

2006-2008 and

2003-2004                  Three years of full employment as teacher of Classics and Modern Greek Language in the Secondary Education in Greece

2004-2006                  Two years of full employment in the Centre for the Greek Language in Thessaloniki, participating in the creation of Online Dictionary for Ancient Greek Language.

IV. Books

  1. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Trachiniae and Its Dramatic Reception: Identities and Ideologies in Transition, Crisis and Transformation,’ Ph.D. Thesis, Royal Holloway University of London, 339 pages, London (2017).
  2. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Jacob Bidermann Cenodoxus aut Doctor Parisiacus, Comico-Tragoedia: Introduction, Translation, Commentary,’ University Studio Press, 275 pages (in Modern Greek), Thessaloniki (2019) [ISBN/ISMN/ISSN: 978-960-12-2436-7].
  3. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Sophocles’ Trachiniae: Introduction, Translation, Commentary’, (in Modern Greek), in preparation to be published by University Studio Press (forthcoming).
  4. Alagkiozidou, S. and Kallinis, G. ‘Anthology of prose texts in Ancient Greek’ (in Modern Greek), in preparation to be published in 2024 by University Studio Press (forthcoming).
  5. Alagkiozidou, S. and Kallinis, G. Translation into Modern Greek of Tim Whitmarsh’s Book ‘Ancient Greek Literature, A Cultural History’, in preparation (forthcoming).


V. Publications in peer-reviewed journals

  1. Sofia Alagkiozidou, ”Feminism(s) and Humanism in Wertenbaker’s Dianeira,” Didaskalia-The Journal for Ancient Performance 16 (2020-2021): 02-Article.
  2. Puchner, W.; Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Cenodoxus 1609’, Parabasis 11, 25-96 (2013).
  3. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Female power in Trachiniae and in Hercules Oetaeus: Women of fear and women of anger’, Rosetta 12: 154-158 (2012).
  4. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Political implications in Sophocles’ Trachiniae and in Ezra Pound’s Women of Trachis’, Parodos Newsletter 9, 5 (2010).
  5. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘‘‘Thebais upon Troy & Oedipus and Iocaste Lavdakide’, when postmodern pain inhabits an imaginary classical past’’, Thersites (2024) (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz), (submitted).


VI. Conference Presentations

  1. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Female and male anxiety in Sophocles’ Trachiniae and its personal and political connotations’, Anxiety and Fear in the Ancient World, Giessen University (Schloss Rauischholzhausen), 3-6 June 2024.
  2. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Female power in Trachiniae and in Hercules Oetaeus: women of fear and women of anger’, The Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature (AMPAL) Conference, Royal Holloway, University of London, 10 –11 September 2011 .
  3. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Ezra Pound’s Women of Trachis’, Postgraduate Conference: Ancient Ideas in the Modern World: Reinventing the Legacy of Greece, University of Cambridge, July 8, 2011.
  4. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘The Imperial Ego in Hercules Oetaeus: from the Land to the Sky’, Joint Meeting of the Classical Association of Scotland and the Stage Postgraduate Network, School of Classics, University of St Andrews, 10-11 June 2011.
  5. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Herakles’ apotheosis in Trachiniae and Hercules Oetaeus: political and cosmic order reversed’, Inaugural Royal Irish Academy Postgraduate Conference in Classical and Near Eastern Studies, Queen’s University Belfast, 25-26 March 2011.
  6. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Political implications in Sophocles’ Trachiniae and in Ezra Pound’s Women of Trachis’, European Network of Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama, Work-in-progress II, Epidauros, July 2010.
  7. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Truth and lies in Sophocles Trachiniae and Martin Crimp’s Cruel and Tender’, Annual post-graduate meeting of the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD), University of Oxford, May 2009.
  8. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Ted Hughes’ Alcestis’, European Network of Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama, Work-in-progress I, Epidauros, July 2009.


VII. Awards – Grants

2003-2004                  IKY Scholarship as a top student in the M.Phil. course in Classics in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

2014                            Classical Studies Association of London Grant to attend the Classical Association Annual Conference held in Nottingham, 2014

2011                            Royal Holloway University of London Grant to attend the Inaugural Royal Irish Academy Postgraduate Conference in Classical and Near Eastern Studies, held in Queen’s University Belfast, 25-26 March 2011

2011                            University of St Andrews Grant to attend the Meeting of the Classical Association of Scotland held in the University of St Andrews, 10-11 June 2011


VIII. Teaching Activities

I have taught all forms and dialects of Ancient and Medieval Greek (Attic, Doric, Hellenistic Koiné, Biblical and Byzantine Greek) for three years so far in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. My current post at the Department of History and Archaeology involves courses of Ancient Greek Language and Literature, which include the intensive and in depth analysis of texts from the genres of historiography, rhetoric and philosophy. Another course I am currently teaching is the study of the progress of historiography from archaic period to modern times, which includes the examination and analysis of texts from numerous historiographers covering the archaic, classical and late antiquity production as well as the byzantine historiography and the historiography of Modern Greece in the 19th and 20th century. I have previously taught Ancient Greek Language, Ancient Greek Philosophy (Plato) and Biblical and Byzantine Greek (St. Basil’s Speeches) at the Department of Theology.

I had taught as a Secondary Education Teacher, before my appointment at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Ancient Greek Language (grammar, syntax, vocabulary, translation) and Ancient Greek Literature (epic, drama, history, philosophy) in secondary education. I had also taught Modern Greek Language and Literature as a second or foreign language.


IX. Additional Qualifications

  • Proficiency in English Language. (Excellent Knowledge)
  • Certificat de la Langue Francaise. (Good Knowledge)
  • Knowledge of IT Technology for Education certified by the Greek Ministry of Education.
  • Qualified Teacher Status for the UK from the National College for Teaching and Leadership.
  • I successfully completed the necessary number of courses for the Research Skill Programme of Royal Holloway for PhD students. Many of them were delivered and examined in Moodle environment.


X. Research Interests

Ancient Greek Drama, Gender and Class Analysis in Ancient Greek Tragedy, Reception of Ancient Greek Drama, Roman Drama, Neo Latin Drama, Ancient Greek Philosophy, Historiography, Feminism and Classics, Modernism and Classics, Post Modernism and Classics, Psychology and Classics, Sociology and Classics, Political Science and Classics.


  1. Participation in Research Projects
  2. Participation in the creation of the Electronic Dictionary of Ancient Greek. The Center of Greek Language (Thessaloniki), 2004-2006.
  3. Analysis and evaluation of electronic resources for the teaching of Ancient Greek in Secondary Education. The Center of Greek Language (Thessaloniki), 2004-2006.
  4. Participation in the Research Project ‘Aristotelians: the cooperative corpus’, which is in progress (2023), under the supervision of Honorary Professor, V. Kalfas.


  1. References upon request


Ahuvia Kahane, Regius Professor of Greek (1761) and A G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture (2017)

Supervisor of my Thesis

Department of Classics, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland



Olga Taxidou, Honorary Professor of Drama

Examiner of my Thesis

The University of Edinburgh

Department of English Literature

School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures

Room 2.23, 50 George Square

Edinburgh, EH8 9LH, United Kingdom

+44 (0) 131 650 3611


Phiroze Vasunia, Professor of Greek

Examiner of my Thesis

University College London (UCL)

Department of Greek and Latin

Gordon House Room G 07, Department of Greek and Latin

University College London, Gower Street

London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom

+44 (0) 20 7679 4573



Short CV Presentation

Dr Sofia Alagkiozidou

Ph.D. Classics, M. Phil. Classics, M. Phil. Philosophy,

B.A. Hons Greek Literature



I. Personal Information

Name: Sofia Alagkiozidou
Phone numbers: +30-2310-998298 (office), +30-6981-154335 (mobile)
Current Professional Position: Tenured EDIP of Ancient Greek Language and Literature (EDIP is the equivalent of U.S.A Lecturer) at the Department of History and Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (full time)

II. Education

2017-2020 Post-Doctoral Fellow in Philosophy and Classics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Department of Philosophy

Title of Thesis (Habilitation-equivalent): ‘Aristocratic and Democratic Ideals in Sophocles and Plato: Ideologies in Negotiation’

Supervisor: Prof. V. Kalfas

2008-2016 Ph.D. in Classics, Royal Holloway University of London, UK (awarded on 01/04/2017 without corrections, only typoos)

Title of Thesis: ‘Trachiniae and Its Dramatic Reception: Identities and Ideologies in Transition, Crisis and Transformation’

Supervisor: Prof. Ahuvia Kahane

2004-2008 M.Phil. Philosophy, Excellent (9.22/10), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Title of Thesis: ‘Correlation between philosophy and comedy in classical Athens’

Supervisor: Prof. V. Kalfas

2004-2008 M.Phil. Classics, Excellent (9.99/10), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Title of Thesis: ‘Presentation of Jacob Bidermann’s work Cenodoxus: Introduction, Modern Greek Translation, Commentary’

Supervisor: Prof. D. Nikitas

1997-2001 B.A. Hons Greek Literature (Philology), Specialization in Classics, Very Good – B1 (7.8/10), Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece


III. Employment History

2021-                          Tenured EDIP of Ancient Greek Language and Literature at the Department of History and Archaeology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (full time)

2019-2021                  Greek language teacher at the secondary education in Thessaloniki (full time)

2019                            Fixed-term Lecturer of Ancient Greek Language and Literature at the Department of Theology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

2016-2019                  Greek language teacher at the secondary education in Thessaloniki (full time)

2014-2016                  Full time PhD Student, Royal Holloway University of London

2011-2014                  Head Teacher of the Greek Secondary School of London

2009-2011                  Full employment as teacher of Classics and Modern Greek Language in the Greek Secondary School of London

2008-2009                  Full employment as teacher of Classics and Modern Greek Language in the Greek Afternoon School of St Andrews in Edinburgh

2006-2008 and

2003-2004                  Three years of full employment as teacher of Classics and Modern Greek Language in the Secondary Education in Greece

2004-2006                  Two years of full employment in the Centre for the Greek Language in Thessaloniki, participating in the creation of Online Dictionary for Ancient Greek Language.

IV. Books

  1. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Trachiniae and Its Dramatic Reception: Identities and Ideologies in Transition, Crisis and Transformation,’ Ph.D. Thesis, Royal Holloway University of London, 339 pages, London (2017).
  2. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Jacob Bidermann Cenodoxus aut Doctor Parisiacus, Comico-Tragoedia: Introduction, Translation, Commentary,’ University Studio Press, 275 pages (in Modern Greek), Thessaloniki (2019) [ISBN/ISMN/ISSN: 978-960-12-2436-7].
  3. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Sophocles’ Trachiniae: Introduction, Translation, Commentary’, (in Modern Greek), in preparation to be published by University Studio Press (forthcoming).
  4. Alagkiozidou, S. and Kallinis, G. ‘Anthology of prose texts in Ancient Greek’ (in Modern Greek), in preparation to be published in 2024 by University Studio Press (forthcoming).
  5. Alagkiozidou, S. and Kallinis, G. Translation into Modern Greek of Tim Whitmarsh’s Book ‘Ancient Greek Literature, A Cultural History’, in preparation (forthcoming).


V. Publications in peer-reviewed journals

  1. Sofia Alagkiozidou, ”Feminism(s) and Humanism in Wertenbaker’s Dianeira,” Didaskalia-The Journal for Ancient Performance 16 (2020-2021): 02-Article.
  2. Puchner, W.; Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Cenodoxus 1609’, Parabasis 11, 25-96 (2013).
  3. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Female power in Trachiniae and in Hercules Oetaeus: Women of fear and women of anger’, Rosetta 12: 154-158 (2012).
  4. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Political implications in Sophocles’ Trachiniae and in Ezra Pound’s Women of Trachis’, Parodos Newsletter 9, 5 (2010).
  5. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘‘‘Thebais upon Troy & Oedipus and Iocaste Lavdakide’, when postmodern pain inhabits an imaginary classical past’’, Thersites (2024) (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz), (submitted).


VI. Conference Presentations

  1. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Female and male anxiety in Sophocles’ Trachiniae and its personal and political connotations’, Anxiety and Fear in the Ancient World, Giessen University (Schloss Rauischholzhausen), 3-6 June 2024.
  2. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Female power in Trachiniae and in Hercules Oetaeus: women of fear and women of anger’, The Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature (AMPAL) Conference, Royal Holloway, University of London, 10 –11 September 2011 .
  3. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Ezra Pound’s Women of Trachis’, Postgraduate Conference: Ancient Ideas in the Modern World: Reinventing the Legacy of Greece, University of Cambridge, July 8, 2011.
  4. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘The Imperial Ego in Hercules Oetaeus: from the Land to the Sky’, Joint Meeting of the Classical Association of Scotland and the Stage Postgraduate Network, School of Classics, University of St Andrews, 10-11 June 2011.
  5. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Herakles’ apotheosis in Trachiniae and Hercules Oetaeus: political and cosmic order reversed’, Inaugural Royal Irish Academy Postgraduate Conference in Classical and Near Eastern Studies, Queen’s University Belfast, 25-26 March 2011.
  6. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Political implications in Sophocles’ Trachiniae and in Ezra Pound’s Women of Trachis’, European Network of Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama, Work-in-progress II, Epidauros, July 2010.
  7. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Truth and lies in Sophocles Trachiniae and Martin Crimp’s Cruel and Tender’, Annual post-graduate meeting of the Archive of Performances of Greek and Roman Drama (APGRD), University of Oxford, May 2009.
  8. Alagkiozidou, S. ‘Ted Hughes’ Alcestis’, European Network of Research and Documentation of Performances of Ancient Greek Drama, Work-in-progress I, Epidauros, July 2009.


VII. Awards – Grants

2003-2004                  IKY Scholarship as a top student in the M.Phil. course in Classics in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

2014                            Classical Studies Association of London Grant to attend the Classical Association Annual Conference held in Nottingham, 2014

2011                            Royal Holloway University of London Grant to attend the Inaugural Royal Irish Academy Postgraduate Conference in Classical and Near Eastern Studies, held in Queen’s University Belfast, 25-26 March 2011

2011                            University of St Andrews Grant to attend the Meeting of the Classical Association of Scotland held in the University of St Andrews, 10-11 June 2011


VIII. Teaching Activities

I have taught all forms and dialects of Ancient and Medieval Greek (Attic, Doric, Hellenistic Koiné, Biblical and Byzantine Greek) for three years so far in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. My current post at the Department of History and Archaeology involves courses of Ancient Greek Language and Literature, which include the intensive and in depth analysis of texts from the genres of historiography, rhetoric and philosophy. Another course I am currently teaching is the study of the progress of historiography from archaic period to modern times, which includes the examination and analysis of texts from numerous historiographers covering the archaic, classical and late antiquity production as well as the byzantine historiography and the historiography of Modern Greece in the 19th and 20th century. I have previously taught Ancient Greek Language, Ancient Greek Philosophy (Plato) and Biblical and Byzantine Greek (St. Basil’s Speeches) at the Department of Theology.

I had taught as a Secondary Education Teacher, before my appointment at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Ancient Greek Language (grammar, syntax, vocabulary, translation) and Ancient Greek Literature (epic, drama, history, philosophy) in secondary education. I had also taught Modern Greek Language and Literature as a second or foreign language.


IX. Additional Qualifications

  • Proficiency in English Language. (Excellent Knowledge)
  • Certificat de la Langue Francaise. (Good Knowledge)
  • Knowledge of IT Technology for Education certified by the Greek Ministry of Education.
  • Qualified Teacher Status for the UK from the National College for Teaching and Leadership.
  • I successfully completed the necessary number of courses for the Research Skill Programme of Royal Holloway for PhD students. Many of them were delivered and examined in Moodle environment.


X. Research Interests

Ancient Greek Drama, Gender and Class Analysis in Ancient Greek Tragedy, Reception of Ancient Greek Drama, Roman Drama, Neo Latin Drama, Ancient Greek Philosophy, Historiography, Feminism and Classics, Modernism and Classics, Post Modernism and Classics, Psychology and Classics, Sociology and Classics, Political Science and Classics.


  1. Participation in Research Projects
  2. Participation in the creation of the Electronic Dictionary of Ancient Greek. The Center of Greek Language (Thessaloniki), 2004-2006.
  3. Analysis and evaluation of electronic resources for the teaching of Ancient Greek in Secondary Education. The Center of Greek Language (Thessaloniki), 2004-2006.
  4. Participation in the Research Project ‘Aristotelians: the cooperative corpus’, which is in progress (2023), under the supervision of Honorary Professor, V. Kalfas.


  1. References upon request


Ahuvia Kahane, Regius Professor of Greek (1761) and A G. Leventis Professor of Greek Culture (2017)

Supervisor of my Thesis

Department of Classics, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 2, Ireland



Olga Taxidou, Honorary Professor of Drama

Examiner of my Thesis

The University of Edinburgh

Department of English Literature

School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures

Room 2.23, 50 George Square

Edinburgh, EH8 9LH, United Kingdom

+44 (0) 131 650 3611


Phiroze Vasunia, Professor of Greek

Examiner of my Thesis

University College London (UCL)

Department of Greek and Latin

Gordon House Room G 07, Department of Greek and Latin

University College London, Gower Street

London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom

+44 (0) 20 7679 4573




School of History and Archaeology

Research Interests

Ancient Greek Drama, Gender and Class Analysis in Ancient Greek Tragedy, Reception of Ancient Greek Drama, Roman Drama, Neo Latin Drama, Ancient Greek Philosophy, Historiography, Feminism and Classics, Modernism and Classics, Post Modernism and Classics, Psychology and Classics, Sociology and Classics, Political Science and Classics.




Research Interests

Research Interests Ancient Greek Drama, Gender and Class Analysis in Ancient Greek Tragedy, Reception of Ancient Greek Drama, Roman Drama, Neo Latin Drama, Ancient Greek Philosophy, Historiography, Feminism and Classics, Modernism and Classics, Post Modernism and Classics, Psychology and Classics, Sociology and Classics, Political Science and Classics.

Professional Experience


