

Associate Professor
Social and political anthropology

School of History and Archaeology

Room 104, old building, Faculty of Philosophy


Short CV Presentation

Georgios Agelopoulos is Associate Professor of Social and Political Anthropology at the School of History and Archaeology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. He is also the Director of the Folklore Museum and Archives of the Aristotle University and the Director of the Digital Humanities Lab of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Agelopoulos studied sociology at Panteion University of Athens and social anthropology at the University of St Andrews (MPhil) and the University of Cambridge (PhD). His research interests include political anthropology, Balkan ethnography, the history of anthropological discourse in Greece and the Balkans, and the anthropology of migrants and refugees. Agelopoulos has taught at the University of Cambridge, the Panteion University of Athens, the University of Graz in Austria, the University of Nicosia in Cyprus and the University of Macedonia. He has been a Marie Curie Research Fellow of the EU D.G.XII, a Postdoctoral Research Affiliate at the Department of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge, a Postdoctoral Fellow of the Greek State Scholarships Foundation, and a member of research teams supported by the EU D.G.V, the Greek Ministry of Education, the 6th EU Framework Programme, the 7th EU Framework Programme, the Greek National Research Institute and the Leverhulme Trust. He has supervised Ph.D. students at the Panteion University of Athens, the University of Macedonia, the University of Thessaly, the Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I) and the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

From June 2017 to September 2018, Agelopoulos served as Secretary General of the Greek Ministry of Education. From September 2018 to July 2019, he served as Director of the Greek Prime Minister’s Office in Thessaloniki. In addition to his academic work, Agelopoulos is a columnist in the Greek press focusing on issues related to identity politics, higher education, migration, social and solidarity economy.

Curriculum vitae

Professional Experience
1994 - 1995

University of Cambridge, Department of Social Anthropology

Post-Doctoral Research Associate

1996 - 1998

Greek Airforce

Conscript serving compulsory military service

1998 - 1998

Panteion University Athens, Department of Social Policy and Social Anthropology

Post-doctoral researcher

1998 - 1999

Panteion University Athens, Department of Social Policy and Social Anthropology

Adjunct lecturer in social anthropology

1999 - 2003

Panteion University Athens, Department of Social Policy and Social Anthropology

Lecturer in social anthropology

2003 - 2014

University of Macedonia, Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies

Assist. Professor


Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of History and Archaeology

Associate Professor in social and political anthropology

2023 - 2025

FSA466 Cultures and politics in the Balkans (taught in English) (Undergraduate)

2013 - 2025

FSA371 Political Anthropology (taught in Greek) (Undergraduate)


FSA201 Theory and history of folklore and anthropological studies in Greece (taught in Greek) (Undergraduate)

2020 - 2025

FSA463 Anthropological approaches to the Balkans (taught in Greek) (Undergraduate)

2023 - 2025

FSA501 Special topics in social anthropology and folklore studies (taught in Greek) (Undergraduate)

2019 - 2025

ΙΑL701 Ethnographic research (taught in Greek, tutorials available in English) (Postgraduate)

Research Interests
Social and political anthropology I Balkan ethnography I Ethnicity and nationalism I Migrants and refugees I History of anthropology.
Folklore Museum and Archive of the Aristotle University

Room 8, ‘the old building’ of the Faculty of Philosophy

The Folklore Museum and Archive of the Faculty of Philosophy of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki was established during the first years of the operation of the University of Thessaloniki, at the end of the 1920s, upon the proposal of  Stilpon Kyriakidis, who was then holder of the Chair in “Religion of Ancient Greeks, their Private Life and Folklore.” Although folklore studies in Greece focused on ancient times, as it is clearly indicated by the title of the Chair, it was decided that the establishment of the Museum and Archive should focus on what was percived as ‘traditional culture’ inside the ethnocentric floklorist theoetical discourse. The late professor Alki Kyriakidou-Nestoros undertook a projecte where most items of the Museum have been photographed and classified. Moreover, she implemented a very important programme with the aim to create a new exhibition, wishing to display items thematically by presenting typical ‘samples’, as well as other information material (photographs, books, outlines, tables, etc.), giving, thus, a historical dimension to each theme.