Αιμίλιος Βασίλειος


Σύντομο Βιογραφικό

Ο Αιμίλιος Καμπουρόπουλος είναι Kαθηγητής στο Τμήμα Μουσικών Σπουδών του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης στο γνωστικό αντικείμενο Μουσική Πληροφορική. Σπούδασε Φυσική, Μουσική Τεχνολογία και ολοκλήρωσε το διδακτορικό του το 1998 στο Πανεπιστημίο του Εδιμβούργου στον τομέα της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης και Μουσικής. Εργάστηκε ως μεταδιδακτορικός ερευνητής στο King’s College London (1998-1999) και στο Αυστριακό Ερευνητικό Ινστιτούτο Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης (Oefai) στη Βιέννη (1999-2001). Είναι υπεύθυνος της επιστημονικής ομάδας Γνωστικής και Υπολογιστικής Μουσικολογίας (CCM Group), έχει επιβλέψει ως επιστημονικώς υπεύθυνος ερευνητικά έργα και είναι μέλος συντακτικών επιτροπών περιοδικών όπως τα Music Perception, Journal of New Music Research, Musicae Scientiae. Έχει δημοσιεύσει πλήθος άρθρων σε διάφορα διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά, συλλογικούς τόμους και πρακτικά συνεδρίων.

Τμήμα Μουσικών Σπουδών

Director of CCM Lab




Ερευνητικά Ενδιαφέροντα
Υπολογιστική μουσικολογία Μουσική και Τεχνητή Νοημοσύνη Γνωσιακά και υπολογιστικά μοντέλα για τον ήχο και την μουσική

Αιμίλιος Βασίλειος


Σύντομο Βιογραφικό

Ο Αιμίλιος Καμπουρόπουλος είναι Kαθηγητής στο Τμήμα Μουσικών Σπουδών του Αριστοτελείου Πανεπιστημίου Θεσσαλονίκης στο γνωστικό αντικείμενο Μουσική Πληροφορική. Σπούδασε Φυσική, Μουσική Τεχνολογία και ολοκλήρωσε το διδακτορικό του το 1998 στο Πανεπιστημίο του Εδιμβούργου στον τομέα της Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης και Μουσικής. Εργάστηκε ως μεταδιδακτορικός ερευνητής στο King’s College London (1998-1999) και στο Αυστριακό Ερευνητικό Ινστιτούτο Τεχνητής Νοημοσύνης (Oefai) στη Βιέννη (1999-2001). Είναι υπεύθυνος της επιστημονικής ομάδας Γνωστικής και Υπολογιστικής Μουσικολογίας (CCM Group), έχει επιβλέψει ως επιστημονικώς υπεύθυνος ερευνητικά έργα και είναι μέλος συντακτικών επιτροπών περιοδικών όπως τα Music Perception, Journal of New Music Research, Musicae Scientiae. Έχει δημοσιεύσει πλήθος άρθρων σε διάφορα διεθνή επιστημονικά περιοδικά, συλλογικούς τόμους και πρακτικά συνεδρίων.


Εισαγωγή στη Μουσική Τεχνολογία / Πληροφορική (Προπτυχιακό)


Μουσική, Νους, Υπολογιστές: Αναλυτικές και Δημιουργικές Προσεγγίσεις (Προπτυχιακό)


Ηλεκτρονική Μουσική: Ιστορία, Θεωρία, Τεχνικές (Προπτυχιακό)


Ηλεκτρονική Μουσική: Δημιουργικές Εφαρμογες της Μουσικής Τεχνολογίας (Προπτυχιακό)

  • Επιστημονικά Περιοδικά

    Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, M., Velenis, K., Pasias, L., Alexandraki, C., & Cambouropoulos, E. (2022) An HMM-Based Approach for Cross-Harmonization of Jazz Standards. Applied Sciences, 13(3), 1338. https://doi.org/10.3390/APP13031338


    Zacharakis, A., Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, M., Kalaitzidou, S., & Cambouropoulos, E. (2021). Evaluating Human-Computer Co-creative Processes in Music: A Case Study on the CHAMELEON Melodic Harmonizer. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 322. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.603752/full


    Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, M. and Cambouropoulos, E. (2019) Conceptual Blending of High-Level Features and Data-Driven Salience Computation in Melodic Generation. Cognitive Systems Research. Volume 58, pp. 55-70.


    Zacharakis, A., Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, M., Tsougras, C., & Cambouropoulos, E. (2017). Empirical methods for evaluating musical structural blends: A case study on melodic harmonisation, Musicae Scientiae, 22 (1), pp. 119-144.


    Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, M., Queiroz, M., Tsougras, C., & Cambouropoulos, E. (2017). Conceptual blending of harmonic spaces for creating melodic harmonisation, Journal of New Music Research, 46(4), 305-328.


    Zacharakis, A., Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, M., Tsougras, C., & Cambouropoulos, E., (2017). Creating musical cadences via conceptual blending: Empirical evaluation and enhancement of a formal model. Music Perception, 35(2), 211-234.


    Kaliakatsos-Papakostas M., Makris D., Tsougras C., Cambouropoulos E. (2016) Learning and creating novel harmonies in diverse musical idioms: An adaptive modular melodic harmonisation system. Journal of Creative Music Systems 1(1).


    Cambouropoulos, E. (2010) The Musical Surface: Challenging Basic Assumptions.  Musicae Scientiae, Special Issue, pp. 131-148.


    Cambouropoulos, E. and Tsougras C. (2009) Auditory Streams in Ligeti’s Continuum: A Theoretical and Perceptual Approach.  Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies, 3(1&2): 119-137.


    Cambouropoulos, E. (2009) How Similar is Similar? Musicae Scientiae, Discussion Forum 4B: 7-24.


    Cambouropoulos, E. (2008) Voice and Stream: Perceptual and Computational Modeling of Voice Separation.  Music Perception, 26(1):75-94.


    Cambouropoulos, E.,, Crochemore, M., Iliopoulos C.S., Mohamed M. & Sagot M-F. (2007) All maximal-pairs in step-leap representation of melodic sequences.Information Sciences, 177(9):1954-1962.


    Dixon, S., Goebl, W.  & Cambouropoulos, E. (2006) Perceptual Smoothness of Tempo in Expressively Performed Music. Music Perception 23(3):195-214.


    Cambouropoulos E. (2006) Musical Parallelism and Melodic Segmentation: A Computational Approach. Music Perception 23(3):249-269.


    Cambouropoulos E. (2003) Review of L.M.Zbikowski’s book: “Conceptualizing Music: Cognitive Structure, Theory, and Analysis” Music Perception 21(1):135-154. 


    Cambouropoulos E. (2003) Pitch Spelling: A Computational Model. Music Perception 20(4):411-430. 


    Cambouropoulos, E., Crochemore, M., Iliopoulos, C.S., Mouchard, L. and Pinzon, Y.J. (2002) Algorithms for Computing Approximate Repetitions in Musical Sequences. International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 79(11):1135-1148.


    Cambouropoulos E. (2001) Melodic Cue Abstraction, Similarity and Category Formation: A Formal Model. Music Perception 18(3):347-370.


    Cambouropoulos, E., Crawford, T. and Iliopoulos, C.S. (2001) Pattern Processing in Melodic Sequences: Challenges, Caveats and Prospects. Computers and the Humanities, 35(1):9-21. 


    Καμπουρόπουλος, Α. (2001) Αυτόματη Μελωδική Ανάλυση με Υπολογιστικές Μεθόδους. Μουσικός Λόγος 3:64-76.


    Cambouropoulos E. and Widmer, G. (2000) Automated Motivic Analysis via Melodic Clustering. Journal of New Music Research 29(4):347-370.  


    Cambouropoulos, E. (1996) A General Pitch Interval Representation: Theory and Applications. Journal of New Music Research, 25(3):231-251.


    Cambouropoulos, E. (1994) Markov Chains as an Aid to Computer-Assisted Composition. Musical Praxis 1(1):41-52.

  • Κεφάλαια σε συλλογικούς τόμους

    Tsougras, C. & Cambouropoulos E. (2024) Musical Texture, Voice and Auditory Streaming. In Handbuch Musikanalyse. Methode und Pluralität. Ariane Jeßulat, Oliver Schwab-Felisch, Jan Philipp Sprick und Christian Thorau (Eds), Bärenreiter-Verlag und Metzler-Verlag.


    Cambouropoulos, E. and Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, M. (2022) Symbolic Approaches and Methods for Analyzing Similarity. In Daniel Shanahan, John Ashley Burgoyne, and Ian Quinn (Eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Music and Corpus Studies, Oxford University Press. https://academic.oup.com/edited-volume/41992/chapter/371464146


    Cambouropoulos, E. and Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, M. (2021) Cognitive Musicology and Artificial Intelligence: Harmonic Analysis, learning and Generation. In Handbook for Artificial Intelligence in Music. E.R. Miranda (Ed). Springer.


    Καμπουρόπουλος, Α. (2019) Εισαγωγή στην Υπολογιστική Μουσικολογία. Στον συλλογικό τόμο Εισαγωγή στη Μουσικολογία και στις Μουσικές Επιστήμες. Ε. Νίκα-Σαμψών (Επ.), University Studio Press, Thessaloniki.


    Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, M., Zacharakis, A., & Cambouropoulos, E. (2018). Conceptual Blending in Melodic Harmonisation: Development and Empirical Evaluation in the Case of the CHAMELEON System. In Concept Invention, Confalonieri et al (Eds), (pp. 241-274). Springer.


    Cambouropoulos E. (2015) The Harmonic Musical Surface and Two Novel Chord Representation Schemes.  Computational Music Analysis, David Meredith (ed.), ch.2, pp.31-56, Springer.


    Anagnostopoulou, C. and Cambouropoulos E. (2012) Semiotic Analysis and Computational Modelling: Two Case Studies on works by Debussy and Xenakis. In Music Semiotics: A Network of Significations (Ed. Esti Sheinberg), pp. 129-145, Ashgate Publishing Ltd, Surrey, UK.


    Cambouropoulos E. and Rolland P.-Y. (2004) Algorithmes et Techniques pour l’Analyse Musicale. In Informatique Musicale du Signal au Signe Musical, F. Pachet & J.-P. Briot (Eds.) Hermes Science Publications, Paris, France.


    Cambouropoulos, E. (1997) Musical Rhythm: A Formal Model for Determining Local Boundaries, Accents and Metre in a Musical Surface. In Music, Gestalt and Computing – Studies in Systematic and Cognitive Musicology, M. Leman (ed.), Springer-Verlag, Berlin.


  • Δημοσιεύσεις σε πρακτικά συνεδρίων

    Velenis, K., Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, M., Pasias, L. and Cambouropoulos, E. (2023) Visualisations of Jazz Standards Derived from Transformer-based Multi-task Learning. In Proceedings of the 27th Pan-Hellenic Conference on Progress in Computing and Informatics (pp. 79-87). https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3635059.3635072


    Zacharakis, A., Kazazis, S., and Cambouropoulos, E. (2023) Marika Ninou vs. Sotiria Bellou: a timbral comarison between two iconic female singers in Rembetiko. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Timbre (Timbre 2023). https://drive.google.com/file/d/14AWI_ZL3LunXhO9DEmGznPAXnpYTKQhm/view


    Kalaitzidou, S., Zacharakis, A., Velenis, K. and Cambouropoulos, E. (2023)  Multiple exposures and repeating musical patterns shape perception of musical ideas and structure. In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC 17), Tokyo, Japan. https://jsmpc.org/ICMPC17/program/eproceedings/


    Alexandraki, C., Akoumianakis, D., Kalochristianakis, M., Zervas, P., Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, M., & Cambouropoulos, E. (2022). MusiCoLab: towards a modular architecture for collaborative music learning. In Proceedings of the Web Audio Conference (WAC2022), Cannes, France.


    Cambouropoulos, E. (2021) Symbolic representation and processing of musical structure: stream segments, pitch interval patterns, general chord types. In Proceedings of the Special session “Culture and Computing, Interactive Cultural Heritage and Arts”, HCI International (HCII 2021), Springer. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-77411-0_14


    Giannos, K. and Cambouropoulos, E. (2021) Symbolic Encoding of Simultaneities: Re-designing the General Chord Type Representation. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Digital Libraries for Musicology (DLfM). Published in ACM ICPS as an Open Access publication. https://dlfm.web.ox.ac.uk/2021-programme


    Meimaridou, E.C. Athanasopoulos, G. & Cambouropoulos, E. (2019) Musical Gestures: An Empirical Study Exploring Associations between Dynamically Changing Sound Parameters of Granular Synthesis with Hand Movements, Proceedings of CMMR2019, Marseille, France.


    Queiroz, M., Peninta K., Bodo R.P.P., Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, M., & Cambouropoulos (2018) Perception of asymmetric rhythms in traditional Greek music. In Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis (FMA2018). Thessaloniki, Greece.


    Giannos, K., & Cambouropoulos, E. (2017) Chord Encoding and Root-finding in Tonal and Non-Tonal Contexts: Theoretical, Computational and Cognitive Perspectives. Proceedings of International Conference of Students of Systematic Musicology (SysMus2017), 13-15 September 2017, London, UK.


    Kaliakatsos-Papakostas M., Confalonieri R., Corneli J., Zacharakis A., Cambouropoulos E. (2016) An argument-based creative assistant for harmonic blending. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2016), Paris, France.


    Kaliakatsos-Papakostas M., Zacharakis A., Tsougras K., and Cambouropoulos E. (2016) Modelling cadence perception via musical parameter tuning to perceptual data. Proceedings of the 12th IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligent Applicationsand Innovations (AIAI 2016), Thessaloniki, Greece.


    Kaliakatsos-Papakostas M., Makris D., Zacharakis A., Tsougras K., and Cambouropoulos E. (2016) Learning and blending harmonies in the context of a melodic harmonisation assistant. Proceedings of the 12th IFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligent Applicationsand Innovations (AIAI 2016), Thessaloniki, Greece.


    Makris D., Kaliakatsos-Papakostas M., and Cambouropoulos E.(2015)   A probabilistic approach to determining bass voice leading in melodic harmonisation.  Proceedings of the 5th Biennial International Conference on Mathematics and Computation in Music (MCM).


    Kaliakatsos-Papakostas M., Zacharakis A., Tsougras C. and Cambouropoulos E. (2015)  Evaluating the General Chord Type Representation in Tonal Music and Organising GCT Chord Labels in Functional Chord Categories.  Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference.


    Makris D., Kaliakatsos-Papakostas M. and Cambouropoulos E. (2015)   Probabilistic Modular Bass Voice Leading in Melodic Harmonisation.  Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference.


    Zacharakis A., Kaliakatsos-Papakostas M., and Cambouropoulos E. (2015)  Conceptual Blending in Music Cadences: a Formal Model and Subjective Evaluation.  Proceedings of the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR) Conference.


    Stefanou D. and Cambouropoulos E.(2015)  Enriching the Blend: Creative Extensions to Social Blending in Music.  Proceedings of the 9th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Science of Music (ESCOM).


    Cambouropoulos E., Kaliakatsos-Papakostas M. and Tsougras K. (2015)  Structural Blending of Harmonic Spaces: a Computational Approach.  Proceedings of the 9th Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Science of Music (ESCOM).


    Eppe M., Confalonieri R., MacLean E., Kaliakatsos–Papakostas M., Cambouropoulos E., Schorlemmer M., Codescu M., Kuhnberger K.-U. (2015).  Computational invention of cadences and chord progressions by conceptual chord-blending.  Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI).


    Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, M., Cambouropoulos, E., Kuehnberger, K.-U., Kutz, O. & Smaill, A. (2014) Concept Invention and Music: Creating Novel Harmonies via Conceptual Blending.In Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology – CIM2014, Berlin, Germany.


    Cambouropoulos, E., Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, M. & Tsougras, C. (2014). An Idiom-independent Representation of Chords for Computational Music Analysis and Generation In Proceedings of the Joint 40th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) and 11th Sound and Music Computing (SMC) Conference (ICMC-SMC2014), Athens, Greece.


    Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, M. & Cambouropoulos, E. (2014). Probabilistic harmonisation with fixed intermediate chord constraints. In Proceedings of the Joint 40th International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) and 11th Sound and Music Computing (SMC) Conference (ICMC-SMC2014), Athens, Greece.


    M. Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, A. Katsiavalos, C. Tsougras, and E. Cambouropoulos: (2014) Harmony in the Polyphonic Songs of Epirus: Representation, Statistical Analysis and Generation, In Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis (FMA2014), Istanbul, Turkey.


    Mathieu Giraud, Ken Déguernel, Emilios Cambouropoulos, (2014) Fragmentations with Pitch, Rhythm and Parallelism Constraints for Variation Matching. International Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research (CMMR 2013), LNCS 8905, pp.298–312, 2014.


    Cambouropoulos, E., Katsiavalos, A., Tsougras C. (2013) Idiom-independent harmonic pattern recognition based on a novel chord transition representation.  In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis (FMA2013). Amsterdam, 6-7 June 2013.


    Fouloulis, T., Pikrakis, A. & Cambouropoulos, E. (2013) Traditional asymmetric rhythms: a refined model of meter induction based on asymmetric meter templates.  In Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis (FMA2013). Amsterdam, 6-7 June 2013.


    Barton, C., Cambouropoulos, E., Iliopoulos, C.S., and Lipták, Z. (2012) Melodic String Matching Via Interval Consolidation and Fragmentation. In Proceedings of the 8th Artificial Intelligence and Innovations Conference (AIAI 2012) – Mining Humanistic Data Workshop. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Vol. 382, pp. 460-469. Springer Publications.


    Cambouropoulos, E. (2012) A Directional Interval Class Representation of Chord Transitions. In Proceedings of the Joint Conference ICMPC-ESCOM 2012 (12th International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition, & 8th Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music), Thessaloniki Greece. 23-28 July 2012.


    Fouloulis T., Cambouropoulos, E. and Pikrakis A. (2012) Asymmetric beat/tactus: Investigating the perfomance of beat-tracking systems on traditional asymmetric rhythms.  In Proceedings of the Joint Conference ICMPC-ESCOM 2012 (12th International Conference for Music Perception and Cognition, & 8th Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music), Thessaloniki Greece. 23-28 July 2012.


    Rafailidis, D., Cambouropoulos, E. and Manolopoulos, Y. (2009) Musical Voice Integration/Segregation: VISA Revisited.  In Proceedings of the 6th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC09), Porto, Portugal.


    Rafailidis, D., Nanopoulos, A., Cambouropoulos, E. & Manolopoulos, Y. (2008) Detection of Stream Segments in Symbolic Musical Data.  In Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR08), Philadelfia, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.


    Cambouropoulos, E. & Tsougras, C. (2008) Auditory Streams in Ligeti’s Continuum: A theoretical and perceptual study.  In Proceedings of the Fourth Conference on Interdiscplinary Musicology (CIM08), Thessaloniki, Greece. (download revised 2009 journal publication)


    Peninta, K., Cambouropoulos, E., & Papadelis G. (2008) Quantitative investigation of temporal microdeviations in greek asymmetric metres. In Proceedings of Acoustics 2008 Conferences of the Hellenic Institute of Acoustics, Xanthi, Greece.


    Karydis, I., Nanopoulos, A., Papadopoulos, A.N. & Cambouropoulos, E., (2007) VISA: The Voice Integration/Segregation Algorithm.  In Proceedings of the International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR07), Vienna, Austria.


    Karydis, I., Nanopoulos, A., Papadopoulos, A.N., Cambouropoulos, E. & Manolopoulos, Y. (2007)\ Horizontal and Vertical Integration/Segregation in Auditory Streaming: A Voice Separation Algorithm for Symbolic Musical Data.  In Proceedings of the 4th Sound and Music Computing Conference (SMC07), Lefkada, Greece.


    Cambouropoulos, E. (2006) ‘Voice’ Separation: Theoretical, perceptual and computational perspectives. In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC), Bologna, Italy.


    ​Καμπουροπουλος Α. (2006)  Διαχωρισμος “Φωνων”: Μουσικοαναλυτικες, Γνωσιακες και Υπολογιστικες Προσεγγισεις.  Πρακτικα του Συμποσιου Μουσικης Θεωριας και Αναλυσης, 29 Σεπ – 1 Οκτ., ΑΠΘ, Θεσσαλονικη.


    Cambouropoulos E., Crochemore M., Iliopoulos C., Mohamed M. & Sagot M-F. (2005) A Pattern Extraction Algorithm for Abstract Melodic Representations that Allow Partial Overlapping of Intervallic Categories. In Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR2005), London.


    Cambouropoulos E. and Tsougras, C. (2004) Influence of Musical Similarity on Melodic Segmentation: Representations and Algorithms. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Sound and Music Computing (SMC04), Paris, France.


    Cambouropoulos E. (2003) Musical Pattern Extraction for Melodic Segmentation. In Proceedings of the Fifth Triennial ESCOM conference, Hanover, Germany.


    Cambouropoulos E. (2001) The Local Boundary Detection Model (LBDM) and its Application in the Study of Expressive Timing. In Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC’2001) 17-22 September, Havana, Cuba.


    Cambouropoulos, E., Dixon, S., Goebl, W. and Widmer, G. (2001) Human Preferences of Tempo Smoothness. In Proceedings of the VII International Symposium on Systematic and Comparative Musicology and III International Conference on Cognitive Musicology, 16-19 August 2001, Jyvaskyla, Finland.


    Dixon, S., Goebl, W. and Cambouropoulos, C. (2001) Beat Extraction from Expressive Music al Performances. In Proceedings of the Meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC2001), Kingston, Canada.


    Dixon S. and Cambouropoulos E. (2000) Beat Tracking with Musical Knowledge. In Proceedings of ECAI 2000 (14th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence), W.Horn (ed.), IOS Press, Amsterdam.


    Cambouropoulos E. (2000) From MIDI to Traditional Musical Notation. In Proceedings of the AAAI Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Music: Towards Formal Models for Composition, Performance and Analysis 30 July – 3 Aug 2000, Austin, Texas.


    Cambouropoulos E. (2000) Extracting ‘Significant’ Patterns from Musical Strings: Some Interesting Problems. Invited Talk presented at London String Days (LSD2000), 3-4 April 2000, King’s College London, U.K.


    Cambouropoulos, E., Smaill, A. and Widmer, G. (1999) A Clustering Algorithm for Melodic Analysis. In Proceedings of the Diderot’99 Forum on Mathematics and Music, Vienna.


    Cambouropoulos, E. (1998) Musical Parallelism and Melodic Segmentation. In Proceedings of the XII Colloquium of Musical Informatics, Gorizia, Italy.


    Cambouropoulos, E. (1998) Music and computation: Reciprocity, not contrariety. (invited talk) In Proceedings of the First Symposium in Music and Computers, Corfu, Greece.


    Cambouropoulos, E. (1997) The Role of Similarity in Categorisation: Music as a Case Study. In Proceedings of the Third Triennial ESCOM Conference, Uppsala, Sweden.


    Cambouropoulos, E. and Smaill, A. (1997) Similarity and Categorisation Inextricably Bound Together: The Unscramble Machine Learning Algorithm. In Proceedings of the Interdisciplinary Workshop on Similarity and Categorisation, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh.


    Cambouropoulos, E. (1996) A Formal Theory for the Discovery of Local Boundaries in a Melodic Surface. In Proceedings of the III Journees d’ Informatique Musicale, Caen, France.


    Cambouropoulos, E. and Smaill, A. (1995) A Computational Model for the Discovery of Parallel Melodic Passages. In Proceedings of the XI Colloquium of Musical Informatics, Bologna, Italy.